Categorieën: Alle - diagnóstico - insuficiência - diabetes

door Marcella Marinho Guimarães 4 jaren geleden



A insuficiência renal crônica é uma condição de saúde que afeta a capacidade dos rins de filtrar adequadamente os resíduos do sangue, levando a uma série de complicações metabólicas e sistêmicas.



The first division between continents was made by ancient Greek navigators, who named them 'landmass, terra firma'.

Generally classified by convention rather than any strict criteria, nowadays seven regions are regarded as continents from a geopolitical point of view.

Destruição autoimune
Função Pancreática


Transformação das células



Não existe um marcador tumoral específico


Tomografia Computadorizada

Alcalose/ Acidose

You can find on this continent:

Ausência de compensação
Desiquilíbrio ácido-básico


Aumento de ADH
Ingestão compulsiva
Desiquilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico

Diminuição da filtração glomerular


Exame de urina tipo 1

Insuficiência renal crônica

Cristais de fósforo


Disfunção Cardíaca

Insuficiência Renal Crônica

Australia is the world's smallest continent and is also known as an 'island continent' as it is surrounded by water on all sides.
It includes 14 countries and it is the least populated continent.

Its name comes from the Latin word 'australis' meaning 'southern' because it lies entirely on the south of the equator.

Nefropatia Diabética
Lesão Renal


Diabetes Mellitus

Doença Renal Crônica

Of the seven continents of the world, Africa is the second largest.

Africa comprises 54 countries and it is the hottest continent.

The equator passes through the middle of Africa and it receives direct sunlight throughout the year.

The world gets 66% of its chocolate, 50% of the gold and 95% of the diamonds from Africa.

Aumento de triglicerídeos / LDL

The world's longest river can be found here, famed for its ancient history and the archaeological sites along its shores.
This river gave rise to the early Egyptian civilization.

Name this river and add its length.

Hiperlidemia mista


Hipercalcemia /Hipocalcemia

Asia is the world's largest continent of the seven continents in size, as it covers one-third of the earth's surface.

It includes 50 countries, and it is the most populated continent, 60% of the total population of the Earth lives here.

Calcitonina / PTH
Eliminação / Reabsorção

Desiquilíbrio do Metabolismo do Cálcio


Europe is separated from Asia by the Ural mountains and the Caspian Sea.

It is surrounded by water on three sides: Mediterranean Sea in the south, Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north.

Three-fourth of the world's potatoes grow in Europe.

Encefalopatia hepática