Categorieën: Alle - inversor - baterías - regulador - energía

door Shofiii Guerrero 2 jaren geleden


Inversor con utilización de Energía Renovable

En un evento público sobre el uso de energías renovables, se destacan varios componentes esenciales para el funcionamiento de un sistema de energía solar. Las baterías juegan un papel crucial al almacenar energía eléctrica en forma química, para luego liberarla como corriente continua de manera controlada.

Inversor con utilización de Energía Renovable

For public events

This last step is optional and it's only for public events.

Announce the event on your websiteCreate a posterCreate paid adsContact and invite pressSend email invitations and remindersCreate a press release


Inversor con utilización de Energía Renovable

Write your event name


Un inversor de corriente es un dispositivo electrónico cuya función es cambiar el voltaje de entrada de corriente continua a un voltaje de salida de corriente alterna.


To create a unique and pleasant ambient, make sure you have the perfect ornaments.

You can hire a company or do it yourself.

Write here the style or the elements you want to include, for example:

FlowersBalloonsPhoto corner
Las baterías son dispositivos que almacenan energía eléctrica en forma química y la liberan después como corriente continua de forma controlada.


Food & Beverages


Food menu




Un regulador de voltaje es un equipo especializado en proteger su instalación eléctrica de las variaciones de voltaje.


Create your food menu in the notes section

Don't forget to create a vegetarian/vegan option and special menus for children.

Write the type of menu you chose.

If you want more options, write each of them on separate topics.

Panel Solar

Now that you have all the activities set up, you can write down all the necessary employees.

For example:

WaitersBartenderHostessPhotographerSpeaker/HostChildren animator
Los rayos solares chocan contra unas placas compuestas por materiales semiconductores que transforman la energía recibida en electricidad.

Add how many people on this position you need.


First of all, think about all the activities that will happen during the event, and then schedule them.

Here are some examples:

...PM - ....PM

Add the timetable.


Add the activity.


The guests are one of the most important elements of an event.


Depending on the type of your event, think about how you would like to invite people:

Phone callEmailPhysical invitations
Guest list


Now think about specific people you would like to invite.

Create a guest list in notes:
Add your guest list

Number of guests

How many guests do you have?

Write the total number of people who will participate.

.... persons

Componentes del circuito

Let's start with the general information about the event.


An important aspect to start with is your total budget.

Arduino nano

What kind of event do you want to plan?

Birthday partyAnniversaryReunionProduct launchFashion showChristmas partyTeambuildingFestivalFairPromCongressGrand openingFundraisingCharityCompetitionGraduationCeremonies