door Andrea Mayerly Sierra Arevalo 4 jaren geleden
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The Personal SWOT Analysis will provide insights based on your personality strengths and weaknesses, challenges you see ahead, opportunities present around you now, as well as future favorable circumstances.
Finally, look at any threats to your career growth. This part accounts for the external factors that could hurt the chances of attaining your goals.
Performing this analysis will often provide key information – it can point out what needs to be done and put problems into perspective.
These are sample questions and sample answers, please feel free to add your own questions and answers.
Cuando el trabajo por equipos implique la rotación sucesiva de turnos diurnos y nocturnos a su vez establecen las partes formas de salario, uniformes para el trabajo diurno y nocturno sin embargo teniendo en cuenta que la suma establecida compensen los recargos legales
si no existiere ninguna actividad del mismo establecimiento las partes pueden acordar unas condiciones equitativamente un promedio convencional
Todo recargo o remuneración por concepto de trabajo nocturno se determina por el promedio de la misma o equivalen a la labor ejecutada durante el dia
Could any of your weaknesses lead to threats?
4. Cada uno de los recargos antedichos se produce de manera exclusiva es decir sin acumularlo con ningún otro
3. El trabajo extra nocturna se remunera con un recargo del 75% sobre el valor del trabajo ordinario
2. El trabajo extra diurno se remunera con un recargo del 25% sobre el trabajo ordinario diurno
1. El trabajo nocturno por el solo hecho de ser nocturno se remunera con un recargo del 35% sobre el valor del trabajo diurno con excepción del caso de la jornada del 36 horas semanales previstas en el articulo 20
Are any of your colleagues competing with you for projects or roles?
This is the most important step of all: bringing the plan into action.
Start using your results to track your progress. Set up measurements and milestones and keep working toward them. Step by step, you will get where you want to be, so get started now!
Jornada 8 horas diarias 48 horas semanales
Jornada 10:00 pm-6:00 am
Jornada 6:00am- 10:00pm
Once you have listed out your SWOT - It's now time to evaluate and determine further steps that need to be taken in order to achieve your goals.
There are mainly two methods:
1) Matching
2) Turning negatives into positives
The other method is converting your weaknesses into strengths or threats into opportunities.
For example: growing a skill set through education, finding a creative way to feature a weakness as a strength, etc.
You can evaluate your results using the matching method, which means connecting two of the categories to determine a course of action.
Please see a few examples here.
Matching weaknesses to threats exposes areas you should work on or situations to avoid, letting you know where to be more defensive as well.
16-18 AÑOS
Maximo 8 horas diarias y 48 horas a la semana
14-16 AÑOS
Máximo 6 horas diarias y 36 horas a la semana
12-14 AÑOS
Maximo 4 horas diarias y 24 horas a la semana realizando trabajos ligeros
For example matching strengths to opportunities shows you where to be aggressive and take action.
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