door Pradeep Kumar 7 jaren geleden
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Each employee can enter his/her commitment for the whole year , the commitment tool includes many fields like commitment name , list of commitment inside each major name , and attach user profile , cv and some other details
Commitment tool is linked to each service type by simple field which is will be linked to each employee and will provide list of the commitment names.
It is very simple tool can be Linked to the commitment, each commitment will have a comment from the manager and from the employee. In addition overall commitment from the manager and the employee. It also includes the final rating for the employee
By simple adding small field to the service list like task or project, the cost saving efforts can be calculated. Each task or project will be also attached to documents for the calculation approval.
This tool especially for RTT, when the user can enter the hardware and software purchase as task. Each company purchases will be attached to it with the cost attached some receipts if required
Man days will be the main field, this man days is across the whole services. However, this tool later will be linked to each employee salary and linked to other overheads cost per employee and managers to give accurate cross charging.
This tool specially for RTT
User can add comments about tasks and exchange discussion with the owner for each
Performance points which will be the main use for RTT, positive and negative points and areas will be linked to the employee appraisal.
Simple tool which combine the co-owner with Man days. This tool is to be used with simple task or simple project mainly.
Career development is type of tasks, when the user can select the team management and select sub area as the course. However, by simple selection for the areas inside the tasks , we can easily extract the career development efforts and attach man days
This tool allows the user to enter the attendance names, notes, time of meeting, name of meeting, attachment as meeting notes.
This tool can act as standalone however, it mainly act as linked tool to all other tools for the service management tool
This tool is type of project management tool. It has extra types of tasks which are related to development project. This type of tasks will be considered as tickets for the development. The Development tool is only for software development
RTT performing a lot of major projects, the tool will provide a two type of project management one is the product development cycle and the other one provide linear project management. Both will be available with the same steps however, the appearance and graphics presentation of the final project will be different. In future, cycled projects however will be linked together aside from the linear project which will not be repeated in future.
· Each service start with task. Task is the core for all service types.
· Tasks can act as standalone floating tool which are not related to any project
· Tasks tool can be linked to any other tool like can be part of simple project or any type of project management
Task in the type of by meeting is acting as linked tool to the meeting tool