door Shuhd Beshir 5 jaren geleden
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She also replicated her attitude to match her social status. This shows how Gretchen was attached to Regina and being a Plastic
Regina encouraged the Plastics to follow her. Her attitude remained the same within the group or when alone. The Plastics influenced other students feelings and emotions.
While adjusting to the American student life she watched other girls like Regina, Karen and Gretchen. she was amazed by them and was conditioned to change her lifestyle to be one of them and conform to their rules. Cady also feels "uncool" for being friends with Janis and Damian because of the schools values
Cady was friends with the "outcast" yet watching the Plastics she wanted the social status they had in school. Eventually the Plastics rub off on Cady till she becomes into a copy of Regina until she had a change in heart and comes to her senses
Looking at Cadys personality through B.F. Skinner's theory of operand conditioning the Plastics influence on her shows how they conditioned her into becoming a replica of Regina.
The need for a change in self-perception is another reason why students such as Cady obey rules that were made my Regina.
Regina needed the sense of self-esteem and gaining respect from students in her school she needed the feeling of having strength and status.
Students, teachers and the principal of the school felt threatened of her and were all victims to her manipulation.
Other students idolized Regina and followed what she did from clothing to behavior.
Cady's huge desire to be one of the Plastics gave her a goal to sabotage the girls to make her way through with them
The movie portrays the Plastics as the group that many students tended align their attitudes, beliefs and behaviours to conform. And whenever a student did not go with their rules they discriminated against them, for example the Plastics believed that they were the best and the others are socially unacceptable.
Structural materials used in the movie are like Social structures. And Superstructure materials are the values of the Plastics and the rules they created to keep themselves isolated in the bubble of popularity.
North American high school culture is portrayed in an exaggerated way like makeup, popularity contest, bullying, dating/sex and school systems.
This high school culture is popularized and Regina and the Plastics normalized it. It was their style of living and they developed the culture in school. include
Adjusting to the environment was hard for Cady yet she was easily influenced by Regina and the plastics and developed her character and behavior to fit in with them as well as changing her cultural norms