Categorieën: Alle - protests - constitution - safety - crime

door anna f 4 jaren geleden


Open Carry Law

The discussion centers around the open carry law, examining its goals, impacts, and the various reactions it has sparked. Significant concern has arisen regarding public safety, particularly in light of past mass shootings and the potential for increased gun violence.

Open Carry Law

Open Carry Law

Goals and Impacts

Campus carry
Increased fear of school shootings

Increased policing of students within colleges

Created provisions to carrying handguns in colleges

Protests and demonstrations
Organizations and groups gathering marches against open carry

Against suppression of others 1st Amendment

Decrease in crime
23% lower violent crime rate within 2012

5% less murder

Concern for other's safety
Fear due to past mass shootings

Protests and demonstrations against open carry

Gun violence awareness march

Increased concern due to others abiding with open carry
Safety of citizens
Citizens living in places with high risk of violence
Safety proportioned by owning and carrying a gun

Legal Basis/Contents

HB 1177 86th Leg Session, 2019


Prevents citizens to be charged with a crime during evacuation from declared state or local disaster area

HB 121 86th Leg session, 2019

Provides defense to gun owners unknowingly entering establishments where guns are prohibited

HB 910 84th Leg session, 2015

Bill created provisions to give authority to open carry

SB 11 84th Leg Session 2015
Provisions relating to carrying of guns within college campuses
Texas Penal Code
Section 46.035

Situations and places in which carrying a gun is prohibited

Section 46.03

Provides list of where firearms are not allowerd

Section 46.02

Unlawful to carry certain weapons

Section 42.01

Criminal offense of discharging or displaying firearm in certain situations

US constitution
2nd Amendment of the US Constitution

Right to bear arms

Interest Groups

Stores and corporations

Banning of guns across malls within the state

Banning of guns within Target, Buffalo Wild Wings, Hooters

Banning of guns in AMC, Carmike, Cinemark

2013 Starbucks letter against open carry in stores

Democratic party

Increased concern for crime and mass shootings

Increased support from liberal-democrats

Police force

Possible increase of crime and mass shootings

2016 Dallas mass shooting

Reported confusion within police force due to open carry

Possible threat seen within violence circumstances

Coalition to stop gun violence
Brady campaign

Campaign to prevent gun violence

Opposes possible increased gun violence due to open carry


Possible profit due to increased sales

Higher support from gun owners

Gun Owners of America (GOA)

Possible increase in donations and support from gun owners
Republican Party

Pushes forth conservative agenda

Higher likeliness of representatives being elected

Increased support from conservative gun owners

Strong belief on 2nd Amendment of US constitution