Categorieën: Alle - morphology - symmetry - evolution - ancestors

door ashly Mendoza 4 jaren geleden



Life on Earth evolved through complex processes, with bacteria being among the earliest forms of life, characterized by their DNA storage and peptidoglycan presence. Eukarya, including organisms like the American black bear, are noted for their membrane-bound organelles and nuclei.


Origin Of Life

common ancestor of Eukarya and Archaea

Eukarya (Ursus americanus) -Presence of membrane bound organelle -Presence of membrane bound nucleus
Excavata -feeding grove -secondary plastids (Ex Euglanosids)
SAR Clade

secondary plastids

Alveolata membranous vesicle on cell membrane (Ex Dino flagellates)

Strameopila (Diatoms) tripartite flagellar hair (Ex macrocystic purifiers)

Rhizaria filose pseudopodia (Ex Radiolarian) (Ex Foraminiferas)

Archaeplastida *primary plastids (Ex Southern Magnolia)

common ancestor of chlorophytes, charophytes, and land plants


common ancestor of land plants and charophytes

Green Algae


chlorophyte braun stonewart

Land plants -sporic life cycle -embroyos -apical meristem


common liverwort


Opistokonta single posterior flagellum on swimming cells Opisthokonta (Ex Black Bread mold and fungi)

Common ancestor of fungi and Nuclearlids

Fungi Multicellular Chitin cell wall Zygote can life cycle

Black bread mold (Rhizopus stolonifer)

(Fly Agaric) Amanita muscarla


Nuclearlid (Nucleria thermophilia)

Common ancestor of choanoflagellate and Animalia


Animalia -multicellular -mobility -game tic life style

porifera giant barrel sponge

eumetazoa •tissue

cnidaria radiosymmetry and diploblasty

common ancestor of hydrozoa and scyphozoa

hydrozoa alternate between the polyp and medusa (pennaria disticha)

scyphozoa produce a medusa (jellies)

anthozoa occur only on polyps (elkhorn coral)

bilateria bilateral symmetry tripoblasty, cephalization

deutrostomia -radial and indeterminate cleavage, blastopore becomes the anus

chordata notochord, hollow dorsal nerve cord, post anal fin,pharyngeal slits

cephalochordata lancelata (branchiostma lanceolatum)

vertebrate vertebral column cranium cartilaginous skeleton

agnathans (pacific hagfish)

gnathostomes jaws bony skeleton

ray-finned fishes (blue tang)

osteichthyes lungs/lung derivatives

lobe-finned fishes (coelacanth)

common ancestor of echinodermata and hemichordata

echinodermata water vascular system

ophiuroidea has flexible arms (serpent star)

echinoidea has no arms (purple sea urchin)

holothuroidea lack spines (california sea cucumber)

asteroidea arms radiating from the centeral disc and have tube feet on the underside (giant sea star)

protostomia spiral and determinate cleavage bloastopore becomes mouth

ecdyszoa ecdysis

arthropods- chesapeake blue crab and monarch butterfly

chelicerata clawlike feeding appendage that work as fangs or pincers (sothern black widow)

common ancestor of hexapoda and crustacea

crustacea highly specialisde apendiages two pair of antennae (cheaspeake blue crab

hexapoda have wings and dont need to sacrifice legs (monarch butterfly)

nematoda roundworm

lophotrochozoa trochopore larvae lohopore

platyhelminthes flatworms

rhabditophorans fresh water and marine species

free diving rhabditophorans (pseudobiceros sp.)

trematoda (sheep liver fluke) parasites

cestoda (pork tapeworm) parasites

Ancestor of annelids and mollusca

mollusca ( soft bodied organisms with protective shell

bivalva shell is divided in two and are hinged together (soft shell clam)

cephalopoda foot becomes modified into a muscular excurrent siphon and part of the tentacle has no hard shell (humboltd squid)

gastropoda move in a small pace by a rippling like motion of their foot (golden apple snail)

annelids body resembles a series of fused rings (common earthworm)

Amebozoa *movement w/ pseudopodia (Ex slime mold)

Archaea (ex. Methanobrevibractor smitii) -Ether bonds in cell membrane -DNA as genetic storage -Presence of histones

Bacteria -Esther linkage -DNA as genetic storage -Presense of peptidoglycan