door Marilou Salauze 4 jaren geleden
Meer zoals dit
Sujet secondaire
If I had known, I would have told my parents ( Si j'avais su, je l'aurais dit à mes parents)
I couldn't do a dessert.
Could you answer me ?
You could clean your bedroom.
We shouldn't close the windows.
Should I bring my bag ?
You should talk to him.
Nég: Suj + had better + not + Bv
You had better not tell them.
? : Had + Suj + better + Bv ?
Had I better stay or go home ?
Aff: Suj + had better + Bv
You'd better go home.
Pour compléter la comparaison, on emploie "than" et surtout pas "that": We would rather resign than work with you.(démissionner)
Nég: I'd rather not go.
? : Would you rather be with yours friends ?
Aff: I'd rather be with you.
She wouldn't spend her holidays pictures (habitude passée)
Would you help me please ? (volonté/demande polie)
If I'd the money, I'd buy a car ( If I had..., I would...)
I'd be happy, if he came (condition)
Go out !
Don't move !
Let's not forget to go to the library.
Let's go !
Aff: I'm seeing Jake tonight.
Aff: It's going to rain.
Nég: I shan't work.
?: Shall I help you ?
Aff: I shall kill you.
Nég: I won't come.
? :Will I come in ?
Aff: I will come.
She isn't running.
What are you doing ?
I'm working.
She doesn't have any brother.
What is your name ?
I have a car.
Nég: I had not been watching.
?: Had I been watching ? (How long)
Aff: I had been watching.
Nég: He had not worked.
?:Had he worked ?
Aff: He had worked.
Nég:I wasn't playing.
?: Was I playing ?
Aff:I was playing ( when you phoned).
Action de 2° plan (imparfait en Fr.)
Nég: I didn't live in London.
?: Wh-/ Did I live in london ?
Aff: I lived in London.
Nég : I haven't been living here.
? : Have they been living here ?
Aff: I have been working since 1999.
Nég: Suj + have/has + not + part.passé
They haven't been there.
? : Have/has + Suj + Part. passé
Have they been there ?
Aff: Suj + have/has + part. passé
They have worked in the USA.