door J Campbell 9 jaren geleden
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What are small groups?
3) Move to a weekly life group
2) SS - large group, but also go into a bi-weekly life group - Want as few people as possible here
Maybe we take this away from bi-weekly LifeGroup option but move them to WEEKLY, not bi-weekly
Tony's class is a large groups SS, so do we offer this option?
Cornerstone is considered a large SS class, so do we offer this option?
1) Sunday morning small group needs to be 15 or less -- maybe 12 or less attending
Primary small group
Cast vision
Biblical lesson 10-15 minutes as a part of it and debrief it, and some of sermon
supplemental small group is discussion based of the sermon, praying for one another, accoutnability, and reaching out to others
Don't want to call interest groups small groups specifically, but want to small groups to jump out of that.
Primary reason is that you are coming to disicpleship and encouragement
Member "Commitment" "Covenant" whatever
Vision on discipleMAKING
When do you do this?
September and launch in September?
May and launch in September?
Sermon on it and flesh out in evening meeting
Call to corporate fast
Worship Center
Custodians move chaisrs from altar area
Fast and pray on Thursdays in March
Fast in March for Marriage Families
Prayer List
Boiler room
Signup for Boiler room
It takes away from the dreams and plans of growth
Energy draining
We hold spending, then we finish in December well, but still cutting the plan
Budget drives plan and lack of budget stops plan
Ex. Tony may feel called to teach orthodoxy, not orthoproxy
Are our leaders celebrated all the way down - the right things
"What's rewarded is repeated" "We've created what we've become"
Disciple is what - can we get leaders to model it in their influence circle?
Making disciples for our people is not equated to "being a disciple"
What does a follower look like?
How do we take the large class influence to cast the vision of individual disciple-making?
Does the large group activity produce individual disciples
Larger groups make it easier to lose the disciplemaking process.
Staffing and changing
"Plant one church per year"
How to do it?
Are we taking the large group and make them use 2 meetings (large and small) - BASICALLY, going from giving them space to do 2 things and wanting them to do 3 and going to giving them space to do 2, adding a space for 3 and asking for 4.
Use a different room than Worship Center
Have a room that people can come by and pray
Do one lunch a week or do a whole day once a month
Do we use Sunday night to implement the discipleMAKING focus THIS year Is this what we do change the barrier?
Implement a new direction and don't shut things down, but show a new direction
Governing documents adjusted
First Family revamping
Document creation
Add to new members
Name of docutment
Family Worship Guide
LifeGroup guides
Primary group
Whatever they want to study normally
Supplemental group
Discussion of Sunday morning sermon
What does it look like?
Jenny & Doug convert for students and children
Scripture texts
3 discussion questions about it
2 sentences about the message
From planning retreat
What does it mean?
Mission Addition
Scheduling decisions
Sunday nights and Wednesday night topics
Who does this?
Do this with volunteers?
Volunteer groups
Coaches over groups
How is staff allocated?
Do we repurpose things?
Vision casting
Disciple Making
Why these items are the top of our list?
What did we hear/not hear
DID hear
Prayer and spending time with God
Member expectations
Strengthening families
serve the community
as an expectation
What is no one else doing
Reproducing - Mentoring
Reproducing Leaders (Church Planting/Seminary)
Getting bigger by getting smaller
Those who aren't small groups at all, LifeGroups are their own
Get big groups to add small groups
NOT hear
Where's Sr Adults
Group #2
Cluster #3
SEBTS Seminary partnership
Seminary degree
Have internships to fill
Could identify PT staff for us
Could identify church planters
Scott does this on Wednesday nights
Teachers under professor of record
DMin (David, Dennis, Larry, Tony could teach)
Scott is professor of record
Start in August
Church approval process
What is the name?
Fill out application
Church planters
Training church planters
serving the community/love for our neighbors
Currently: SERVE Week, MM/PB
JOb services
Study of what's out there in the community
Guys house that we have across the street
Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale
Where are needs being met
Resume' writing
Teach short term classes
More than just handing money to people
Need: Build a place for families
Community see us as our shepherd
Ministry to needy (poor, widows, unborn, etc...) - Mercy/Justice
Cluster #2
Prayer - more fundamental rather than supplemental
Prayer Walk
Raise awareness of prayer
Do we make a prayer service
Lunch hour prayer time
Call a corporate fast at the end of this Hungry for God series leading into Marriage
Boiler room is part of that
Expectations for members/disciples/followers
Church covenant
do we do it without them signing it?
Signing something was a HUGE issue with people
Introduced to new church covenants
what does that do for kids
Name of the document?
words: Commitment or Covenant
Great commitment to the Great Commandment of the Great Commission makes a Great Church.
Cultural change - continue to reinforce from pulpit
Community Serving
Ministry to Poor, Widows, Orphans
Church planting
Shift from disciple-SHIP to disiciple-MAKING
Biblcial Community
Growth Among Friends
We are the church
Transforming corporate worship (def)
Life application - how the Gospel is lived through life
Worshippers lifestyle
Cluster #1
New space and growth - the need for it
More need based stuff
Debt or debt free?
Relocate WCIF?????
They bought the space
Office space
Maintenance issues
Administrative adding
Additional staff
PART TIME is an area we should look at
IT folks
Children's pre-school
FT Senior Adult Minister
3) Counseling system
2) Missions Coordinator
Couple who'd have been with
1) Full-time Young Adult Pastor Maybe combination with Rec (Family Life) minister
What do we do for the office?
At some time, separate full-time Young Married Pastor
Group #1
Speicalized family conferences and training
Family devotions
Focus on men as leaders of families
MEN-led family discussions
Have it at end of each sermon
Table talk point from sermon
Empowering and resourcing ministries of members/attenders that God has called them to
How do we revision people to do this
How do we get senior adults to buy into this model?
Heavily invested in MM/PB
Address backdoor problem (visitor assimilation)
Hospitality suite - do things that we want people to remember about us (rather than cookies and a couch)
Difficulty of adding on people to an existing group - So group new people ready to group into
Break large group anonymity
Make room for people and invite them in
room in your life life schedule
Pesonal invite
Trackable path to follow for getting to the goal
Mentoring, modeling, reproducing
Revisioning small groups
Sunday nigths to family time - family devotions
D-ship groups on common interests
Tech groups
Fishing groups
Pushed from pulpit as expectation
Off-site groups
Missional or disciple-making
Shift to disciple-making from disicple SHIP
Smaller groups
Healthier families
Pastoring the community - have the reputation with the community that we actively care for them.
Global impact
Growing followers of Christ - Be disicple producers
Intimate with God
Lives transformed
Are chains being broken? Are people being set free?
Noticeably friendly and caring
Great commitment to the great commandment and the great commission makes a great church
Heart for God
Disciple Making church
Church planting church
In light of these goals, what would be our scorecard (other than numeric attendance)?
that we would so serve community that Melbourne/Palm Bay would begin to see FBC as a refuge and a church that truly cares
we would have a more direct ministry to the unborn, orphans, widows, and the poor (Micah 6:8) -- mercy/justice priorities of God
maybe something like ministry of Calvary, Ft. Lauderdale (would have to decide focus
Serve Week, plus year-round opportunities
that our church would practice evangelism as a day to day way of life
Move from being 'event-driven' (both/and though not either/or
that we would become a church-planting center
ties into conversation about future Bay West/FBC Melbourne relationship
have to decide how big we want to be here at the main campus vs. how many church plants to plant
What's our target growth and then plant?
How do we do that?
would focus church-planting efforts on key cities/countries domestically and internationally (Panama currently)
beginning 3 years, sending out a minimum of one church-planting team per year (either locally, domestically, or intentionally)
training up future pastors/church planters in our church (SEBTS partnership)
that we would streamline and not try to do too much; that every ministry would ask "What are the best things for us to do?" and allow some "good" things to die (Simple Church)
that every ministry in our church would be asking the question, "How can we best make disicples?" and would make whatever changes that are necessary
that we would improve our visitor follow-up and assimilation proceess, always making small group and service opportunities in our community for those God brings to us.
that we would grow as a praying church, understanding how vital prayer is to our mission
that we would create a culture of fasting in our church and fast corporately as God leads
specifically, I would like to see the growth of the Boiler Room prayer ministry and perhaps another evening prayer meeting for our church
that we would be marked by dependency on God in everything
we would more carefully define what is expected of members and communicate that more clearly to current members and all prospective members
in First Family Class, from pulpit, in small groups, etc...
importance of regenerate church membership
many members not serving, just attending worship
membership rolls currently bloated with non-attenders
that we would understand the importance of church discipline in a loving way that seeks restoration and reconciliation
that we will have created more opportunities for Titus 2, older/younger disicpleship to be taking place as we "do life together" in community
that every member would understand the importance of being in Biblical community with other believers
need to break down larger SS classes and create small groups sometimes during the week (possibility of re-visioning Sunday PM and Wednesday PM for this purpose)
need to expand home small groups to allow more adequate space for more traditional SS classes
that our small group material would be tied to the Pastor's message (right now, getting mulltiple messages per many are "sticking" (Sticky Christians)
that our small groups would not just fill "slots" in our schedule (Sunday AM, Wednesday PM), but would be intentional about disciple-making (missional communities)
worship as Gospel-changed people and shepherd people to be able to move past grumblings about musical style preferences
that Biblical knowledge would grow thorughout our church as we lead people in discipleship to study the Scriptures for themselves in an increasing measure
that our church would understand the constant applicability of the Gospel to our lives and families (our church as a whole)
family devotions
marriage counseling/mentor couples + crisis marriage team
church where the Gospel is understood and lived out (in all its fullness; avoiding easy-believism on the one hand and legalism on the other
If you reach through missional, then you teach them to be missional. Conversely, if you reach them through attractional means you teach them to be attractional