Where to next?
If after constructing the VMOST tree for your organization you have no open questions, then you can be confident that your organization is well informed and well-aligned around your vision, mission, and strategy.
If you have any open issues from the analysis, then you should resolve these and communicate your vision, mission, and strategy again.
Many organizations have a vision, mission, and objectives but go straight to action, without having a strategy for understanding and solving difficult problems. This is the most likely area for further leadership.
Plan Nacional de Adaptación para el Cambio Climático en la Republica Dominicana 2015-2030 ejes estratégicos y sus puntos de enfoque.
Type in the name of your organization.
Eje estratégico 3: Promoviendo comunidades saludables y resilientes.
Fortalecer la resilencia de los hospitales y ejecución de medidas de adaptación en respuesta a los riesgos por el cambio climático.
Consider each objective together with the strategies that solve future problems and obstacles.
- Are these solutions enough?
- Will some obstacles remain that have not yet been addressed?
- Are vision, mission, and objectives being used to hide a lack of strategy?
Promover alianzas interdisciplinarias para procurar la participación de la salud en las políticas del cambio climático y en el plan nacional de salud.
Review each of your strategies and check that they really are strategies.
- Does each strategy solve an identified problem?
- Is each problem really a core problem, or are there other mechanisms behind it? Solving symptoms is not strategy.
- Are any of your strategies actually goals or objectives? 'Be the best' is not a strategy.
Fortalecer la concientización y difusión de los efectos sobre la salud del cambio climático.
- Does the VMOST tree contain all your current strategies?
- Are you aware of formal or informal strategies that have been left out?
- Might this be because they don't quite 'fit' with everything else?
Eje estratégico 2: Ciudades climáticamente resilientes.
Asegurar la participación Intersectorial para enfrentar el riesgo climático entre sectores.
Implementar un sistema de alerta de eventos Hidro-metereológicos y garantizar el acceso a un sistema de seguros contra daños por eventos climáticos.
Consider each Strategy together with the tactical projects for executing it.
- Are these the right things to do?
- Do all of the actions align with this strategy, or are some of them not really connected?
- Are enough things being done? Or do you need to take some extra actions to execute the strategy?
Fortalecer las políticas de Concesión de licencias y la capacidad de los profesionales e instituciones que planifican la prevención contra el riesgo del cambio climático.
- Do all your tactical projects join up, or are there gaps or overlaps?
- Are there any areas where effort is being duplicated?
- Could these be streamlined to support more than one strategy?
Mejorar la planificación urbana y ordenar el territorio con enfoque a la adaptación climática.
- Does the VMOST tree contain all your current tactical projects?
- Or have some projects been left out?
- Might this be because they don't quite 'fit' with everything else?
Eje estratégico 1: Mejorando la seguridad hídrica y la seguridad alimentaria.
Diseñar y fortalecer la gestión de conocimiento fomentando la investigación y capacitación de nuevas prácticas agrícolas.
Sector riego: garantizar el suministro y demanda de agua, el fortalecimiento institucional y las prácticas agrícolas.
Sector agua potable: Demanda, suministro, calidad y saneamiento de agua y fortalecimiento institucional.
- If your VMOST is communicated, are your managers all working in alignment with it?
- Are they using it to help make decisions?
Eje Estratégico 6: Conservando y usando sosteniblemente los recursos costero-marinos, aumentando la resiliencia frente al cambio climático y la variabilidad.
Gestionar un fondo para la recuperación de ecosistemas y especies costero-marinos.
Review your objectives together with your mission statement.
- If you achieve these objectives, are they enough to deliver your mission statement?
- Do they all contribute to the mission? Or do some of them not really help?
- Might you need some more objectives to be certain of achieving your mission?
Prevención, mitigación y remediación de contaminación de las costas y playas.
Review all your objectives.
- Do they all fit together?
- Can they all be achieved without conflict?
- Will you need to make difficult choices between them?
- Do they overlap or duplicate effort?
Establecimiento de estructuras institucionales que fortalezcan la investigación, la gestión y monitoreo.
- Does the VMOST tree contain all your objectives?
- Are you aware of any others that your organisation is pursuing, that have been left out?
- Might this be because they don't quite 'fit' with everything else?
Fomentar la infraestructura costera resiliente.
To deliver your mission, you will need a number of primary objectives.
These are major milestones, showing that you are achieving your mission. These should be written as SMART objectives, which means they are
- Specific,
- Measurable,
- Achievable,
- Relevant, and
- Time-bound
Example: To partner with 5 new organic food retail outlets this year.
Eje Estratégico 5: Habilitando la competitividad empresarial.
Fomentar la producción y consumo responsable.
Promover destinos turísticos resilientes.
Review your vision statement and mission statement together.
Does your mission statement bring your vision to life? Do the targets in your mission statement align with your vision?
Definir la actividad turística del país bajo en marco de la sostenibilidad ambiental.
In one sentence, summarise your mission.
Your mission states how you express your vision - what you are aiming to do, to make your vision into reality.
Example: to be the leading supplier of organic foods in your area
Eje Estratégico 4: Incrementando la resiliencia de ecosistemas, la biodiversidad y los bosques.
Diseño e implementación de programas de educación y sensibilización sobre los efectos del cambio climático sobre ecosistemas.
Estimular prácticas y tecnologías apropiadas favorables a la conservación de la biodiversidad.
Review your Vision statement:
Does your vision really reflect the values and beliefs that motivate you and your staff?
Mejorar la base de evidencias, promoviendo la investigación para enfrentar la vulnerabilidad e impactos del cambio climático sobre ecosistemas.
In one sentence, describe the vision of your organization. Your vision should:
- Inspire your staff
- Say something about your values
- Say something about your beliefs
- Be something you can always work towards
Example: You believe that sustainable organic foods are better for people and the environment