Categorieën: Alle - taxes

door Sergio Martínez 5 jaren geleden


Politics during Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the political landscape saw significant changes marked by the rise of monarchies and the increasing power of kings over nobles. The support from economically prosperous bourgeoisie in cities helped strengthen the kings'

Politics during 
Middle Ages

Politics during Middle Ages

Emergence of Parliaments

As kingdoms grew, their goverments became more complex and kings introduced new political instructions

To support on any foreign policy measure

To finance the monarchy

To approve new taxes and aid. The taxes were levied on the bourgoisie.

To swear loyalty to the King or his successor. this was crucial in case of a problema with the succession to the throne


They met when convened by the king

They were advisory, they could only give the King their opinion

They represented all inhabitants. Only most powerful attended

Pope VS Emperor

the conflicto continued until 1122, when it was finally resolved at the Concordat of Worms
In nothern Germany, afederation of trading cities emerged, Hanseatic League or Hanssa
In nothern and central Italy cities were governed as republics
The power of the empire and the papacy was weakened
Pope Gregory VII
He believed that he should choose the bishops and demanded that the emperor meet his approval to rule
The Church States convered central Italy
After his death, a conclave of cardinals met to choose his successor
He was considered the highest spiritual power
Emperor Henry IV
He wanted to confirm or remove the pope and bishops
His empire extended from Germany to northern Italy
He was chosen by the nobles and bishops of his domain
He considered himself the successor of the ancient Roman emperors.

Rise of Monarchies

The power of the kings over nobles grew stronger
Their domains increased in size as a result of war and marriage to nobles and members of the monarchies
Economic prosperity alllowed kingd to levy taxes and pay the armies and officials
Rich & Powerful bourgeosie from cities supported the King so in turn he would defend against the feudal lords