door Katie Pain 4 jaren geleden
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A temporary solution
Students can see that ridding the soil of contaminants is a very good temporary method of cleansing our earth
Long term bad effects
Difficulty in having the right nutrients needed to survive down the road
Will contribute to a changing environment in the future, putting students and humans at risk
with help and much research from students and future scientists, improvements can be made to the technology to make it more efficient, durable and better for the environment
Better air, food and life quality for future students
Help reduce climate change
Plants will not be enough to fix climate change, which will greatly impact students in the future
Better assist the plants to preform the task more sufficiently
Learn how to maintain them properly
With damage to ecosystems, the food chain will be severely affected which will eventually cause humans to decline in health
Physical remediation disrupts land and ecosystems, causing future generations to experience traumatic earth defects and lack of healthy harvesting land and soil
As soil flushing does more harm to the environment than good, students in the future will be in a worse place and experience the worsening effects climate change
Disrupts farmi
The food chain becomes corrupted to due land corrosion, which affects the health of humans, due to the deficiency of healthy plants, animals and nutrients
Human health and existence will therefore decline
Hard work
Time consuming
Uses lots of materials
With using stabilizing agents, the health of the soil can be improved
Healthy soil will improve air quality through the production of trees and plants
Crops will flourish will healthier soil
Humans will therefore have the food and nutrients required to stay healthy
Lack of Food and nutrients
Humans's health will suffer due to the hit in the food chain, and the inability to find sufficient nutrients
Due to the damage to soil caused by leaching, plants and organisms will have trouble flourishing, growing and germinating
No plant or food production or profit form markets or famers
requires no materials or hard work
Not time consuming
Not reliable
Plants may not survive in different environments
Microorganisms could get eaten
Cannot preform job very effectively
Spread of toxins through food chain and into humans
With cement binder, the S/S can be mad more durable, last longer and be more effective
Accessible to third world countries
Little, inexpensive materials required
Limits types and qualities of plants
No production or profit from farmers and markets
Affects the food chain
Lower crop yields
Affects economic well being of humans through inability to make money off of the crops
Does not take any time away from jobs
Little, if not any assistance
Requires no material
Lack of resources available
Negatively affects famers production due to corrupted ecosystems
Market will decline in product from effects to food chain
Very costly and time consuming
Requirements to preform this task are vigorous
Uses many difficult to come by materials
Limits the release of Hazardous chemicals
Use of greener materials (magnese) could make S/S more environment friendly
Chemically converts toxic and dangerous contaminants/chemicals to less hazardous
Transfer of electrons from compounds to oxidize soil
Limits seed's ability to germinate
Affects crop yield and plant growth
Removes salt through irrigation
No use of chemicals
Plants/microogranimsms grow in undesired areas
Animals eat toxic plants/microogranisms
Does more damage than protection
Disrupts environment
Declines health of ecosystems