Categorieën: Alle - remuneración - salario - tipos - pago




El concepto de remuneración se refiere al pago o retribución por un trabajo o servicio prestado. Se puede estructurar en diferentes tipos: fija, variable y ocasional. La remuneración fija se paga por un monto constante o con referencia a un factor permanente, mientras que la remuneración variable fluctúa en el tiempo debido a factores predeterminados.



Enter your names.
Example: Jane's and Arthur's wedding

Tipos de remuneración

Many couples choose digital correspondence for environmental purposes or cost savings. You can choose 3D designs, animations or short movies for the invitations. Guests will always have their cell phones on them and this makes communication less time-consuming.

Remuneración ocasional
Es aquella puede generarse o no según se presente la causa que la origina, tal como sobretiempo y análogas.
Remuneración variable

However, if you choose traditional paper invitations, have them made in the theme of the wedding. Also, don't forget to send envelopes with postage for the RSVP cards.

Es aquella que sufre fluctuaciones en el tiempo debido a factores predeterminados. y otros similares.

otros similares

el desatjo


Remuneración fija

For a destination wedding, it's best to send the save the dates 8 to 12 months in advance. For a local affair, send save the dates 4 months in advance.

Follow your save the dates with formal invitations about 8 weeks before the wedding.

Es la que se abona por el mismo monto o con referencia a un factor permanente.

Save the dates are basically small announcements of the wedding which are sent in advance. Usually, they are simple and no extra details are printed.

Set a due date by clicking on the small triangle from the corner of this topic, so you will receive an email notification before.

Estructura de la remuneración:

It's best to create the guest list at the beginning of your planning as you will need to know the approximate number of guests.


¿Qué es?

When planning a wedding, you might want to first think about your wedding budget.

It's best to have an open discussion about your finances, how much you can afford and the options you have.

La remuneración se conoce como el pago o restribución por un trabajo o servicio prestado.

Put here the amount you estimate youwill have to spend on your wedding.


Put here the date of your big day and the ceremony's starting hour.

Por incumplimiento de la prestación
Por mandato judicial
Por voluntad del trabajador deudor
Por disposición legal

Se puede dividir en:

You should have a few options for your guest, which shall appear on the RSVP card. Take into consideration your vegan/vegetarian guests and kids too.
For drinks, you should have some fancy cocktails and mocktails, champagne, and the standard red & white wine, and beer.

La remuneración por unidad de tiempo puede ser establecida por mes, quincena, semana, día u hora.
La remuneración puede ser establecida por unidad de tiempo, por unidad de obra, o en forma mixta.


Chose if you want to have a traditional church wedding or a simple civil ceremony in front of your friends and family. Or maybe you want both, in which case setting the time is essential.

el valor respectivo se obtiene dividiendo la remuneración ordinaria percibida en forma semanal, quincenal o mensual, entre siete, quince o treinta, respectivamente, para el día. y éste dividido entre el número de horas comprendidas en la jornada ordinaria.

Salario total

The location of your wedding is very important. Choose one to make sure all your guests can attend.
Take into consideration the size of your guest list, if there is a dance floor, etc.
List the venues you believe would match your needs.

Da ciertos beneficios extras como:
la garantización de los servicios de salud

This is important as you want your guests to sit comfortably, so pay attention to the capacity of the venue.


Venue's price

El pago por la utilización de un trabajo se puede dar en distintas formas:

We know that you are not defined by what you wear, but both of you will be the center of attention on the big day.
So choose something that suits your figure/style, defines your qualities and hides your flaws.

Completamente en dinero o especie

Here you can add options for the groom's wedding suit.

Como subsidio de vivienda, pago de educación y otros tipos de bienes o servicios.

Suit shop's name