Categorieën: Alle - licenses - requirements - contribution - tourism

door Frank Hyde 2 jaren geleden


SeaTrek Travel Company Oct 2022

SeaTrek Tourism Services (STTS) must navigate a detailed process to operate legally in Indonesia. The company needs several licenses, including a Travel Agent License and a Tourism Business Certificate or Sertifikat Usaha Pariwisata.

SeaTrek Travel Company Oct 2022

SeaTrek Tourism Services (STTS): Local PT (Tukad Balian Office)


Project/ Trip Management/Purchasing

Buyer 1

Workflow Max

Human Resources Can we move staff over to new company without issues? (bring their accumulated time with them to the new business?)

HR Manager



Bill Paying

Invoicing & Reporting Staff



Tax Issues

PPN 1% by KLU of Travel Agent Services
KLU no. ?

Documentation & Requirements

PIC for Domestic PT
Domestic PT Docs
Obtain Company Registration Certificate (TDP) at the local government office
Obtain Trading Business License (SIUP)
Obtain Tax payer registration number (NPWP) and VAT number at the tax office
Obtain Certificate of Domicile at the local government office
Obtain Deed of Establishment at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
Preparation of Association Article by Notary Is there a standard form for this?
Approval of company name at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights What kind of name is best for us?


Travel Agent (Karangasem?) Is this really necessary?

Commercial or Operational License, in the form of Tourism Business Certificate or Sertifikat Usaha Pariwisata.

All travel agencies must register with the Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies (ASITA). The requirements for registration include the following: Documents related to your business including your business identification number and tax card. Recommendation letters from two travel agencies that are ASITA Bali members. Aside from these documents, you must also pay a membership fee of IDR 5,000,000 (approx. USD 340) before registration which will also be your deposit. This is refundable when you leave ASITA. In addition to that, you must also pay IDR 5,350,000 (approx. USD 365) which will serve as your contribution to ASITA for one year.

Business License, in the form of Tourism Business Registration License or Tanda Daftar Usaha Pariwisata (TDUP); and

After the issuance TDUP via OSS, the businesses (which have obtained Tourism Business Standard and Tourism Business Certification Institution) must acquire the Tourism Business Certificate (“TBC”) within a specific time period based on the size of their business category. Large businesses must obtain the TBC within 2 (two) years; medium sized businesses within 4 (four) years; and small/micro businesses within 6 (six) years. What is required for a TBC?

The TDUP mentioned above is issued via OSS based on the Commitment. Therefore, to make the TDUP effectively valid, business actors must fulfill the Commitment of the TDUP as follows: Location License; Environmental License; Building Permit or Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (“IMB”) or office lease agreement, if the business actors rent an office for their business; and Water Location Permit and Water Management Permit regulated by the minister in charge of government affairs in the field of maritime (specific requirement for tourism businesses that use the sea permanently). Does this apply to us??

Locally Owned:PT



2 Investors What are investor requirements? What are required amounts?

Supplier to ST LTD HKG


Marketing of STTS Services
Develops Content for Marketing Materials
Facilitates Community Outreach by STF
Provides Logistics for STF
Creates a Role Model: for Future Conservation Organizations
Places Content to inspire similar businesses
Identifies Potential STF Project Sites
Develops relationships with project groups
Identifies and Analyzes potential Conservation Sites
Aids in Fundraising for STF
Promotes STF Conservation Initiatives to Guests
Makes Contributions to STF as a proportion guest booking
Facilitates Conservation Messaging of SeaTrek Foundation (STF)
electronic material for distribution to guests and interested parties
Onboard educational material
Administrates Guest Services
Hires Outside & Expat Experts for Expert led cruises IE:




Joe Mueller

Provides all Tour Leaders

Tour Leaders Freelance

Tour Leaders Contracted

Head Tour Leader

Provides all hospitality staff for boats that they charter

Room boys



Provides all crew for Boats which they Charter




OSS Requirements

In response to the OSS Regulation, the Ministry of Tourism issued the Minister of Tourism Regulation No. 10 of 2018 concerning Integrated Business Licensing E-Service in the Tourism Sector (“Tourism OSS Regulation”). Based on Tourism OSS Regulation, a tourism business consists of these following business fields: Tourist attraction; Tourism area; Tourist transportation services; Travel services; Food and beverage services; Provision and accommodation; Organizing entertainment and recreational activities; Organizing meetings, incentive trips, Conference and exhibition; Tourism information services; Tourism consulting services; Guide services; Water tourism; and Spa.

SeaTrek LTD HKG (Travel Sales Company)

Food Service

KT Charters

OP Charters

SeaTrek Travel Company (Travel Service)