Categorieën: Alle - love - laws - fasting - community

door Timisola Oyenuga 4 maanden geleden


Sermon on the Mount

The teachings in the Sermon on the Mount emphasize the importance of genuine piety through acts such as giving alms, praying, and fasting. These practices were already familiar to the Jewish audience, but Jesus provides deeper insights into their true purpose.

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

How to be

Jesus begins Sermon on the Mount with the words Blessed are and explores nine blessings. Jesus teaches about the kingdom of Heaven and the characteristics of discipleship.


Some people give alms to look good or to get praised. Other people give alms because they truly want to help those in need this way of giving alms follow the spirit of the law
Alms giving means giving something to help a person in need. WE can give our time talents or treasures such as money and other helpful material items giving alms and sharing gods gifts.
Alms giving means giving something to help a person in need. WE can give our time talents or treasures such as money and other helpful material items giving alms and sharing gods gifts. strengthens community and friendship A good example of this is in First Nations communities where sharing for the common good is central to how people live Jesus teaches that there are right and wrong approaches to almsgiving Some people give alms to look good or to get praised. Other people give alms because they truly want to help those in need this way of giving alms follow the spirit of the law When we give alms it should not be made into a show once we give something away we should forget about it The person receiving alms does not owe us anything.
When people pray with the intention of being noticed or admired by others they are focused on themselves not God They are completely missing the point of prayer spending quality time with god.
Jesus often spoke to the people about prayer in His Sermon on the Mount He gave more instructions about prayer and gave us the words to the Lords Prayer.
Fasting is a personal sacrifice that we offer to God and nd we do it for its own sake not for selfish reasons like abstaining from junk food to look better.
Jewish people and Christians fasted from eating some food on certain days of the week This fasting could be combined with praying for others.
Jesus also teaches about fasting in His Sermon on the Mount Fasting means abstaining or restraining ourselves from doing something primarily from eating Our hunger for food reminders us of what we need to live including our spirtual need for God.

True piety

In the third part of the sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches how to give alms pray and fast The people gathered on the mountain would be familiar with these practices because faithful Jewish people did all three.

How To love

In the second part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jsus explains that He did not come to destroy the laws that God delivered to Moses, but to fulfill them. Gods laws guide what we do or don't do but as jesus teaches.