Agar Salmonella Shigella ASS
Shigella dysenteriae
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Importancia del microorganismo
Las enfermedades diarreicas constituyen un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, especialmente en los países de desarrollo donde son una gran causa de mortalidad en niños menores de 5 años.
Shigelosis: Es una infección bacteriana en el revestimiento de los intestinos
Síntomas: diarrea con sangre, fiebre, calambres y dolor abdominal.
Característica de crecimiento típico en el medio Salmonella Shigella ASS
Colonia típica
Luz transmitida: opaca
Propiedades reflejantes de la luz: Brillosa
Consistencia: cremosa
Aspecto superficial: lisa
Colo: transparente un poco lechoso
Borde o margen: entero
Tiene una forma circular
Tiene una elevación convexa
Add a project issue and grade its impact by clicking an icon below:
- Currently blocking progress
- A workaround exists, but the solution is not known
- The solution is known but is not implemented
- Temporary issue that may solve itself
Áreas donde hay mal manejo de residuos
Alimentos y aguas contaminadas
Área donde hay hacinamiento
Tracto intestinal humano
Type in one or more project activities.
Examples include:
- Requirements collection and analysis
- Research and problem-solving
- Design and architecture
- Completing deliverables
- Acceptance testing and feedback
- Support and maintenance
Características del cultivo
Consistencia adecuada del medio
Medio sólido
Bacteria anaerobia
Tiempo de incubación
24 a 72 horas
37 a 42 grados centígrados
pH adecuado
7,0 +/- 0,1
Disponibilidad de nutrientes
Extracto de carne
Sales biliares
Peptona de carne
Características morfológicas
Inmóvil porque no tiene flagelos
No excede los 1,5µm de longitud y 0,8 de diámetro.
Specify an exclusion from your project.
Examples are:
- Major changes in scope or specification
- On-site support
- Troubleshooting related systems
- Managing other subcontractors
- End-user training
- Replacing consumables
Pared celular
Capa fina de peptidoglicanos
Add a specific requirement
Prioritize them with an icon:
- Must have - an essential requirement
- Should have - preferred, but a temporary workaround would be acceptable
- Could have - include if easy and all the Musts and Shoulds are complete
- Want to have - can be left for the future
Forma corporal
Forma de bastón alargado
Add a requirements management technique
Techniques might include:
- Using a process for discovering requirements
- Maintaining a master list of requirements
- Writing testable and measurable requirements
- Establishing a formal process for agreeing on changes to the requirements
Características generales
Contienen 38 serotipos
Producen citotoxinas
No capsulados
Pequeños bacilos Gram negativos
Características taxonómicas
S. dysenteriae
Add a strategic reason for this project.
Type in a key benefit from this project.
Examples include:
- Creating new opportunities
- Gaining a competitive advantage
- Solving a key problem
- Developing new knowledge
Type in an estimated cost
For example:
- Internal staff costs
- Contracted labor costs
- Outside services
- Capital costs and materials
- Opportunity costs - what else will not be done