Categorieën: Alle - rap - music - film

door Victor 7 YT 4 jaren geleden


The Arts

A notable artist from Puerto Rico, known by his stage name Vico C, derived his unique moniker from childhood anecdotes and a creative twist involving a T-shirt design. Born in New York in 1971, his family recognized his artistic talents early, enrolling him in the Pobre de América Theater.

The Arts

The Arts

Main characteristics of this artistic expression

The rhythm in music refers to the tones and their repetitions, and how they unfold throughout the piece. A piece of music must maintain a rhythm from beginning to end and even if it does change, it must do so in a way that is not jarring. The absence of rhythm in music is one of the most perceptible aspects that an individual can feel.
As in other arts, but with much more variety, music has a large number of genres that have developed (some even disappeared) and that continue to manifest themselves over time. A musical genre is a classification or set of musical compositions that have certain qualities in common
Musical genres
Music is closely related to the social and cultural context in which it originates. Music is capable of reflecting the idiosyncrasy of a cultural group, its origins and history, its perception of the world and even its discomforts and shortcomings.
Cultural diversity

Famous works

La recta final

How his/her art influences others

It influences today, since it is an example to follow for the different Christian rap artists of today, because it inspires them through its songs and gives them an example that through music it is possible to preach God.
It influences, for example, through the Spanish rap songs of Vico C, since they are famous throughout the world and represent a good sample of the talent of this interpreter whose personal religious evolution has led him to be branded in musical circles as "the philosopher of rap ”.

Extra relevant info

His stage name originates from two stories, the first part "Vico" comes from the nickname his relatives had for him, who had a neighbor called Doña Vica who was very serious, and Luis Armando as a child had such a serious face who told him that he looked like Vica, and therefore his family and friends began to associate him with the lady calling him "Vico". The "C" on the other hand, originates when a girl who was going to make him a T-shirt that had his name embroidered, proposed to add a big "C" around the name (pronounced in English: 'si'). Luis liked the idea of what his nickname "Vico" sounded like with the addition of the "C" in English. Since then he is known to many as the famous singer "Vico C".
In 2017 he released his own film about his life, entitled, Vico C: La Vida del Filósofo, starring his son Luis Armando Lozada Jr. as Vico C.

Why did you choose this artist

Second, I chose this artist for his influence in the world of Christian rap. How it inspires and influences other Christian rappers, the lyrics of their songs, etc.
I chose this artist because for me he is an example to follow, he inspires me not to be ashamed to preach about God, and he shows me that there are thousands of ways to do it.


In Puerto Rico His parents, Rafael Lozada and Margarita Cruz, were able to see their son's artistic inclination from an early age and decided to incorporate him into the Pobre de América Theater, led by Pedro Santaliz. In the early eighties, Rapper's Delight was a radio success and with it, Luis Lozada began to dream of his own future and to follow it. But it was not until the eighties, when the singer would take his first steps in music It all started when DJ Negro organized a night, a contest for young people to compete rapping in English, the singer with his group / duo called The Biggest Princes integrated together with his friend Glenn, decided to participate. In this contest Glenn sang in English and Vico C in Spanish. This contest is considered as part of Vico C's beginnings in the world of music

Personal info

He was born on September 8, 1971 in New York, United States, however his real nationality is Puerto Rico

Name of the artist

Vico C (Luís Armando Lozada Cruz)

Type of art
