Categorieën: Alle - letters

door mateo castano 5 jaren geleden


The Bible

The Bible is divided into the Old and New Testaments, each with distinct themes and contents. The New Testament, primarily written in Greek to encourage early Christians, focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the formation of the early Church.

The Bible

The Bible

The Old Testament

Took place in Canaan

Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles


Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Book of the 12

The Israelites enter the promised land. They start to forget God, Israel is divided in 2 and falls, the Israelites are taken into captivity in Babylon


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Duetoronomy

Begining of the world

God making different languages, dividing humanity against each other forever

The first Israelites

Adam and Eve/Original Sin

Written in Hebrew
The Old Testament covers around 4000 years of history, or more.
First was an oral tradition, people would speak it to each other
Then people started writing it down using papyrus paper
The Dead Sea Scrolls.
date back 1000 years
Found in a cave by a shepherd boy
The 5 P's

Warnings against injustice and evil/Predictions about the future (The Messiah)


The promise that we will be united with god in a covenant


Where the Israelites lived, Israel.


A group of people specifically chosen by God, the Israelites.


God creates and He cares for creation.

Its the story of the people of israel
Literary styles of the bible

Narrative is stories

Make up 43% of the Bible


3 different types of Poetry, songs, wisdom and prophets.

Poetry uses a lot of metaphors

Make up 33% of the Bible

Prose discourse

Things like speeches, letters, or essays.

Make up 24% of the Bible

The New Testament

Written by the Apostles
Written to encourage new christians

ex. Corinthians, Romans etc.

Letters written to different churches.

Acts of the Apostles

First church was small meetings in houses

Start of the early Church

4 Gospels

Jesus' life in 4 different perspectives


Wrote a more Personal and Theological version


Wrote Greek concerns


Wrote Roman Concerns


Wrote Jewish concerns

Took place in Palestine
took 50-70 years to write
Written 400 years after the Old testament
Written in Greek