Categorieën: Alle - consciousness - universe - existence - morals

door Jack Quinlan 2 jaren geleden


The Big Metaphysical Questions

Throughout history, humanity has grappled with profound questions about existence, purpose, and consciousness. The meaning of life often intersects with religious beliefs, where many find solace in the notion of a loving deity and view life as a mission to spread their faith.

The Big Metaphysical Questions

The Big Metaphysical Questions

Global warming is the ongoing rise of the average temperature of the Earth's climate system which has various negative effects.

Do We Have Free Will

Overpopulation creates an increased demand for energy as well as having negative effects on our environment and ecosystems.

Abstract thinking

Overfishing is the removal of a species of fish from a body of water at a rate that the species cannot replenish, resulting in those species becoming underpopulated in that area.

This will lead to a Marine Ecosystem imbalance with time.

The Human mind is a wonderful and crazy thing. It gives us the power to do anything we want. Have you ever just stood up and jumped in the air or climb on a table, there is no one telling you to do this you may be looked at as diffrent by your peers but they cant stop you therefore giving you free will.
Choices and Religion

Water is essential for agricultural production and food security. It is the lifeblood of ecosystems, including forests, lakes, and wetlands.

Overpopulation affects our water and this has negative outcomes.

If religion was not a facter in your life there are also socitial laws in place to stop you from hurting others in emotional and physical ways. this does not mean you cannot physically do these things though, meanig you have free will.
Religion is a very sensitive topic because there are many diffrent kinds. One thing that brings them together is the fact of a set of rules of what not to do like the ten comandments. This would back the fact that we dont have free will but you can choose your own religion giving you free will.

Over-cultivation is the practice of excessive farming on a piece of land to the point of degradation of the soil as well as the land itself.

The fact is that around the world everyone is different and has their own personalities and behaviors. For someone to be unique they must have their own free will.

Does The World Really Exist

Climate change is likely to both increase electricity demand for cooling in the summer and decrease electricity, natural gas, heating oil, and wood demand for heating in the winter.


Finding reusable energy sources can be our first step towards conserving our environment.

There was a God who created a universe and in that universe is Earth and on Earth is us as humans therefore because God is real our world is real.
Space and Time

How will climate change affect the production of clean energy?

e.g.: solar, wind, water

Because of our technoligy and knowledge of telescopes we are able to perfectly see other planets in out solar system therefore we can logically belive that our world is real.
Humans have made sinitific therories and mathmatical questions that define our laws of physics. For there to be any laws of physics there must be a universe first and a world to bide by them.
Physical Proof

New infrastructure investments may be necessary to meet increased energy demand.

e.g.: nuclear power plants

Earth can be seen as a whole from space. NASA has givin us the gift of seeing a clear as day picture of our world and has even said that Earth looks like a giant blue and green marble
The fact that you as a person are standing on solid ground that you can feel, smell, taste, see, and smell is proof that our world is real.

What Is The Meaning Of Life

living conditions
Living conditions can have a huge impact on the way you see the meaning of life for many it is to survive while for others it may be to give.
Many people have a religion that they belive in and start to feel the effects of knowing God loves you many people see their life as a way to spread the gospel.

What Is Conciousness

Healthy ecosystems and rich biodiversity are fundamental to life on our planet.

Even small changes in average temperatures can have a significant effect upon ecosystems.


The inter-connected nature of ecosystems means that the loss of species can have knock-on effects upon a range of ecosystem functions.

e.g. bees go extinct

Unlike most (if not all) animals humans have an inner diologe almost talking to us and checking our morals. To do this you must be truly concious.
Free will

Climate change will affect mountain and lowland ecosystems, the diversity of wildlife, and the distribution of freshwater.

e.g.: forest fires

Free will and conciousness have a lot in common such as being able to do anything and being aware that we are doing this.

Climate change is affecting the habitats of several species, which must either adapt or migrate to areas with more favorable conditions.

e.g.: natural habitat disappearing

The quality or state of being aware. this is the webster definition of conciousness meanig that when we are awake and know what is happing to us we are concious.

What Is Our Place In The Universe

Climate change is supported by scientific evidence.

A bigger view

Write down the consequences caused by this issue and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: flooding, rainfall increase

The fact of the matter is that we as humans are very small compared to what is all out there. There are thousands of solar systems in out galaxy and there are billions of galaxies. therefore our Place in the Universe is very small.

Write down the consequences caused by the melting of the ice-caps and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: decreasing of polar bear habitat

Many belive that God created us and our world. He also gave us a list of rules to follow if we want to get to the gates of heaven therfore our place would be the followers of God and his ways.
Ego and Identitiy

Write down the consequences caused by this issue and how it will affect our lives and the environment in the future.

e.g.: decreasing of land surface

Aristotle belived that the earth was the centre of the universe. whoch proves the belief that humans believe the are the centre of everything