Categorieën: Alle - market - production - materials - loans

door Gabriel Garcia 2 jaren geleden


The Business Strategy Game (BSG)

The Business Strategy Game involves managing various aspects of a company's operations, including finance, cash flow, and production. Financial strategies include issuing stock, taking out loans of varying terms and interest rates, and utilizing excess cash through dividends or stock repurchases.

The Business Strategy Game (BSG)

The Business Strategy Game (BSG)

Finance & Cash Flow

Projected Cash Balance at the End of Year 15
Uses for Excess Cash($000s)
Stock Repurchase
Early Repayment of L-T Loans (Balance Sheet Note 8)


Sources of Additional Cash($000s)
Stock Issue

000s of shares at $20.02

10-Year Bank Loan

9.90% interest

5-Year Bank Loan

9.40% interest

1-Year Bank Loan

8.90% interest

Corporate Citizenship

CSRC Initiatives
Institution of a Supplier Code of Conduct
Improved Working Conditions

Additional Safety Equipment and Improved Lighting / Ventilation

Cafeteria and On-Site Child Care Facilities for Plant Employees



Ethics Training / Enforcement
Charitable Contributions

1% al 10%


Energy Efficiency Initiatives

0 a 500

Use of Recycled Boxing / Packaging



Private-Label Operations

Private-Label Contract Offers
Price Offer

Latin America Market

Asia-Pacific Market

Europe-Africa Market

North America Market

price pairs

Private-Label Pairs to be Produced and Shipped to:
Latin America Warehouse
Asia-Pacific Warehouse
Europe-Africa Warehouse
North America Warehous

No. pairs

Proposed Private-Label Production
Private-Label Specs

Enhanced Styling / Features




Superior materials %

Latin America Facility

Europe-Africa Facility

Asia-Pacific Facility

North America Facility

0% al 100%