Categorieën: Alle - racism - responsibility - positivity - support

door Khattra Jasleen 2 jaren geleden


The Impacts On Our Responsibilities To OurSelves & Others

Addressing the impact of negative actions within a school environment, a high school faced a significant issue when over 900 yearbooks were confiscated due to a student's inclusion of racist language in his biography.

The Impacts On Our Responsibilities To OurSelves & Others

Connection 3 : Article

Connection I have to this current taking care of our friends and family, I feel that family is very important and so are our friends and every once in a while you should check up on your family and friends who haven't really talked to you in a while. As well, if your friends or family seem upset or sad you should always reach out to them and just try to be very comforting and supporting as I always like to be. Every once in a while I like to contact most of my cousins who are fairly close with and check up on how they're doing to see how life is going to catch up with them and just overall understand what's happening with their lives as I don't see them every so often.

Connection 2 : Lamb To The Slaughter

A connection to this is when I was watching a movie called; To All The Boys I’ve Loved, in this movie it talks about Lara Jean’s story and how she made love letters and they accidentally got sent out to her crushes… Long story short she ended up dating Peter. This relates to being there for somebody when they need you the most, and not lying to your best friends. In the first movie out of 3, LaraJean gets accused of something and Peter wasn’t there to support her and didn’t defend anything that had to do with her. As well, he wasn’t being completely truthful throughout their relationship either.

Connection 1 : Opposite's Of Always !

Article About The Yearbook and Hurtful Description

Our responsibility to ourselves is whatever hatred is coming from you should stand up and say this is wrong. As we could tell from this racist high school yearbook incident we should always try to resolve the issue rather than making a bigger conflict. As ourselves we should return all of our things I have to do with this incident so that in the yearbook return it to the administrators and try to focus people on the positive side rather than the negative side. If this was such a big headline and details were published in the news, we should live and forget incidents that even took place like this. Obviously the person should get a consequence for doing this but everyone else move on and forget this ever happened and focus on the better side of things as it's a better thing to do and you should stand up for the hatred and you should call the person who did it and explain to them why it was wrong and he should've never done it. Hatred like this could spread all across social media and different platforms. You should make yourself not post this on your Snapchat, Instagram and even TikTok. I know we should educate people and not to do this but if more people in the media sees sees this they will think it's all right for them to do it as well would you just giving a bad impression every school and giving people other ideas to do such a negative and mean comments as it was already done so.

Our responsibility we should have for others is pushing people to always be positive and always kind. “West Island high school confiscated over 900 yearbooks after a student snuck racist language into his biography.” This is very unacceptable as one student wrote so much hatred and racist language in his biography. It's also very devastating to see if that person could put so much negativity into his biography as a yearbook is supposed to represent happy memories you had with your peers and teachers throughout the school year. It's also a resemblance of your past to be passed onto future generations and you don't want to see such hate. Instead we should be pushing people to not choose negativity and be more positive. If the student had to talk to a teacher about how you feel and express his emotions we would've never had a situation that ended up like this. Imagine being a family member and reading such a hateful biography that a student wrote, or being a teacher who taught this individual and reading such negative comments they had about the school and his peers. Overall, we should be spreading positivity and kindness as it's always the right thing to do and no matter the circumstance you should always be kind and have a positive mindset at all costs especially at school.

Lamb To The Slaughter

A responsibility we should have for others is taking care of our friends and family as it’s important to be there for anybody when they need the extra help. As it creates bonds, trusts and passion. “Tired darling?” ( 1). “Yes,” he said. “I’m tired,” (1). In the short story lamb to the slaughter it explains how Patrick Maloney Is tired after a long day of work, and his wife is there to give him anything he needs/wants and just overall comforting him. This is important because it helps a person to really understand how much that could mean for a different person. As well, the bonds that get built during this part of your relationship gets really strong because no matter what happens under any circumstance they're always there for you and always be by your side, which shows compassion. Throughout the story, Mary keeps on asking him if he's hungry, it's not too late, let's go outside and grab food, let me rub your feet. Just trying to comfort him so he feels welcomed and appreciated. Clearly something else was on his mind… Overall, she was understanding even though he was in a different mindset and she was doing her best not to make him even more tense, this is because she deeply cared about him. In the end, things didn’t turn out the way we expected… But for the most part Mary was always there and she took care of her husband even though she knew he wasn’t feeling right and something was bugging him.

A responsibility we should have for ourselves is being in alignment with our words and our actions, as our actions speak louder than words. In the story, Mary Maloney has blatantly murdered her husband with an lambchop, that she had boughten from the grocers a few blocks away from their home. But as she went home, and a few minutes passed by… then a devastating phone call was made. “Probably right under our very noses. “What you think, Jack?” And in the other room, Mary Maloney began to giggle.” (5). Moments before the police had arrived, Mary Maloney murdered her husand, Patrick Maloney. This incident is upsetting to many as Mary played the “mourning wife” but in reality she killed him as her words do not match the actions she has portrayed, solely due to the fact doesn’t want to be framed for his death. Her tone certainly didn’t match the body language. As she is spreading false accusations to the officers. In the story she was a mortified wife; crying and complaining about her husband's passing, but she pulled this major stunt. She should’ve confessed her mistakes and taken responsibility for his death, rather pretending like she had nothing to do with any of it. Fair-played by her as she fed the police officers the murder weapon leaving no trace leading back to her. Moral of the story, even though Mary Moaloney had done a terrible thing, she should still own up for her actions because in reality she can choke up and state something that will trap her as the killer, without knowing. She will be even more terrible then…

Others :

Ourselves :

The Impacts On Our Responsibilities To OurSelves & Others

Main topic

A responsibility we should have for others is always checking up on them, as we sometimes don’t know anything about them. “Kate, we’re still here,” I call out to her as another doctor swings open her door. “Kate!” (269). In the novel Opposites of Always, Kate is diagnosed with sickle cell and it's a disease that a lot of American African women attract and it's very deadly and the treatment of it costs a lot of money. Kate usually stays in the hospital for most of her life and spends a lot of time there. At the time Jack didn't know anything until he finally figured out what was actually wrong with her, until it was too late. Then he travels back in time each time trying to sort everything out. This just shows us that we should always be checking up on everybody as they might not be doing so well or something might be going on in their life and they really need somebody to talk to. As Jack doesn't catch on to her being sick and time flies by and she passes away he wants to relive all the memories with her and he travels back in time to see where he could've gone wrong and spend as much time as possible with her. To me I find that very interesting and very sweet that Jack's meant so much time with Kate even though he knew she was going to die in the end. In the end, it's very important to check up on our friends and family because we never know what a person could be feeling on the inside, and we should be there for them all the time as best as we can whether that be texting them or even showing any small gesture. Just for them to feel welcomed

Opposites Of Always -

A responsibility we should have for ourselves is owning up to our promises, and not letting other people get in the way of friendships/bonds. In the novel Opposites of Always, Jack King is best friends with Francesco (Franny), Franny’s father. The coupon was coming to meet Franny and his mother after many years of being in prison. Jack had made Franny the promise of being there for his best friend at this dinner. But, earlier in that day Jack went to spend the day in Whittier where his girlfriend goes to college . Time flew by and Jack didn’t leave at an appropriate time and ended up being in traffic, a tire popped, and being super late. As he reached Franny’s house… “Franny, I…” but you can’t say it. “Wow. You choose ass over your best friend” (206). This just broke his trust with Franny but he continued to lie and denied any allegations that he was with Kate. When your best friend needs you, it’s important to be there and we should be taking responsibility ourselves to own up to our promises. If we can’t make it, tell them ahead of time. But in all honesty it is his best friend and he chose his girlfriend over him, when it meant so much to him. It was just very sad to read that a certain bond was broken between Franny and Jack at this time just because he chose a different friendship over their best friendship, it was very devastating. Especially in a matter like this Jack should've been there for Franny. It was important to him and he completely broke his trust which he will never return again because he missed such an important part. As well, the dinner didn't go as planned so Franny was more upset that it didn't end up going well and ended up going south completely. Moral of the story, if you agreed to be there you should always end up showing, or have a better excuse next time.