Categorieën: Alle - diversity - workforce - technology - improvement

door Ethan Kwan 14 jaren geleden


The Management Environment

Effective management requires understanding diverse cultural values and adapting to various economic and political systems. Managers must avoid parochialism and appreciate different perspectives to manage businesses globally.

The Management Environment

The Management Environment

Orgn Improvement

Quality Improvement
Work Process Engineering

Radical or quantum change in an orgn


Japanese term for an orgn commitment to continuos improvement

Continuous Improvement

Orgn commitment to contimually improving the quality of a product or service

Customer Service
Resposive Culture

Employee must be a good listener

Employee must be empowered with decision discretion

Employee need freedom to meet changing cust service

Tyoe of employee (friendly, outgoing)

Society Expect from Orgn

Social Responsiveness
A biz firm engages in social actions in respone to some popular social needs
Social Obligation
Firms engage social actions, obligations to meet certain economic and legal resposiblities
Social Responsiblity
Biz firm intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, do the right things
Green Management
Ideas being environmentally friendly
Managers recognize and consider the impact of their orgn and its and its practices on the natural environment


Orgn Go Global
Foregin Subsidary

Direct investment in a foreign country that involves setting up a seperate and ilndependent facility

Joint Venture

Specific type of strategic alliance in which partner agree to form seperate orgn for some business purpose

Global Strategic Alliance

Partnership btw prgn and a foreign partner comp in which resource and knowledge are shared


An orgn gives another orgn the right to use importing its name and operating method


A right, for a fee, to make or sell its product using specific tech or product specification


Acquiring product made abroad and selling them domestically


Making product donestically but sell it internationally

Global Sourcing

Purchasing materials and labor from around the world that is cheapest

Transnational (Borderless) Orgn
Structural arrangement for global orgn that eliminates geo barriers
Global Corporation
MNC that centralizes management and other decisions in the home country
Multidomestic Corporation
Any type of comp that maintains operations in multitple country
Multinational Corporation (MNC)
Any type of international comp maintaion operration in several country
Global Village
Concept of boudaryless where all good and services produced and mkt worldwide.

Workforce Diversity

Ways in which ppl in a workforce are similar and diff from one another in terms of gender, age, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity

Managers Adapting to changin workforce

Contigent Workforce
Part time, temporary and concontract workers who are available for hire on as an needed basis
Family Friendly Benefits
Benefits that provide employee more flexibility at work, accomodating their needs for work/life balance

GLOBE Findings

Humane Orientation
Performance orientation
In group collectivism
Gender Differentiation
Future Future Orientation
Ongoing cross cultural investigation of leadership and national culture
Global Leadership & Orgn B'viour Effectiveness

Hofstede's Framework

Long term vs Short Term Orientation
Uncertainty Avoidance
Achievement vs Nurturing
Individualism vs Collectivism
Power Distance
Studied diff in cluture and found that managers & employee vary on five value dimension:

Manager need to know?

All countries have their own values, morals, customs, political, economic sys and laws. Which cann affect how a biz is managed
Narrow focus in whic manager see things only trhu their own eyes and from their own perspective

Tech & Manger's Job

Private network comp that uses internet and only accessible by orgn member
Any equiment or tools designed to make work more efficient
Advance of tech make work more efficient and improve available info & comm.