Categorieën: Alle - domestic - charges - police - threats

door Thomas Dashawn 5 jaren geleden



In Kirkland Lake, a surge in domestic disputes kept local police busy over a span of just a few days. The Ontario Provincial Police responded to four incidents involving domestic violence within a week.




Rash of domestic disputes in Kirkland Lake
This case showed so many examples of uttering threats in different forms, like the 38 year old man who threatened and said threats through commutation to the victims face that relates to 264.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who, in any manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes any person to receive a threat"

The 21 year old threatened a victim and toured the victims animals this relates to (b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal property; or (c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the property of any person.

CTV Northern Ontario Published Thursday, May 23, 2019 9:45AM Last Updated Thursday, May 23, 2019 9:49AM "It’s been a busy few days for police officers in Kirkland Lake who are dealing with four domestic disputes in less than a week. The first was on May 13, 2019. Ontario Provincial Police were called to a local residence about a domestic dispute. After an investigation, they arrested a 38-year-old man eight days later. He’s now facing eight criminal charges including assault, theft, harassing communications, distributing intimate image without consent, among others. The second domestic dispute happened on May 17, when police were called to a case of mischief involving a 32-year-old man. RELATED STORIES Understanding domestic violence Domestic violence: One woman's story N.W.T. considering domestic violence leave PHOTOS OPP officers On Sunday, May 19, investigators were called to deal with another case of assault, this time involving a 21-year-old local man. He’s also facing several charges including: breaking entering, cruelty to animals, and uttering threats. The fourth case involves a domestic dispute on Monday, May 20 where a 49-year-old man was charged with uttering threats. None of their identities are being released to protect the identities of the victims and all of the men are scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Kirkland Lake. OPP want victims in abusive relationships to know that they’re not alone and if you know someone who is, there are resources available that can help. A toll free call can be placed to the Assaulted Women's Helpline at 1-866-863-0511 where your information will remain anonymous and confidential. You can also visit the following websites for more information: Temiskaming Victim Services"

expert criminal lawyer

when contacting a criminal lawyer you have to be one hundred percent honest and the lawyer will ask you a series of questions so be prepared to answer! it all depends on the strength of the case and if there is conditional threats and if you are a Canadian citizen


Uttering threat is very serious and if you are charged you and your family may face consequences, if found guilty you could face up to 5 years of imprisonment and if you If the threat is only to a person's property like a animal then the penalty of a guilty person of an indictable offense is imprisonment for up to two years, or is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction. That is why it is important to get an expert criminal lawyer to counsel you when faced with a charge of uttering threats. But you have to always rember that every situation is different i/t depends on the persons history and how serious it was as i said before.


So imma name this girl that accused me of threat Kayla, I knew Kayla for all my life she was one of my best friends back than this happened in semester 2 of grade 10 and me and Kayla would always walk home together and talk, her house is actually very close from mine, so we would meet up and walk to school together to we were in lots of classes together and things were going great. 2 months later me and Kayla were still walking home and to school together and we started seeing these notes at the playground at sandalwood and notes in the bushes and these notes would say “I will kill you Kayla” or “I know where you live Kayla” and the notes kept getting more scarier every time we would see them and the last note Kayla seen before she had a enough was a note with blood on it I was very scared for Kayla and myself I did not know who was doing this and I would never do this.The next day Kayla went to school and told the principal about this and the principal called me down and I told my story and the principal asked if I am doing this and I said “no” after school ended I met up with Kayla and I asked her “who do you think this is” and Kayla said “I don’t really know” in a scared way.Kayla's mom came to pick us up because she usually picks us up after school and her mom was accusing me the whole car ride that I was the one that did the threats and Kayla’s mom said “just tell us if you did this before we get the police involved”, I said “I would never do that. Long story short our friendship broke apart and we were on and off I still see Kayla around the school and we say “hi” to each other but we are not the same anymore.Threat is not a joke and I would never threaten anyone and the reason I chose this topic because of that situation.


Uttering threats not my work "264.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who, in any manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes any person to receive a threat (a) to cause death or bodily harm to any person; (b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal property; or (c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the property of any person. Marginal note:Punishment (2) Every one who commits an offence under paragraph (1)(a) is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months. Marginal note:Idem (3) Every one who commits an offence under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 38 1994, c. 44, s. 16"


Threat is a criminal offence and it means expressing or suggesting a threat of harm of danger to a person ,so for example say you don’t want to hang with someone no more and they message you or leave you notes saying they want to kill you ,that is a threat and the police can get involved threat can be anything from a text to a note to a voicemail or in person it does matter if you were joking it is still a very serious matter and you should not take it as a joke to start of I want to tell my story with threat and I how I got accused of threatening someone.
Uttering threats can mean anything it can be a threat to cause physical harm,death threats, and to damage, burn or destroy personal or real property. It can even include the injury or death of an animal that is the property of the victim. A Crown Attorney has to make sure the threat was uttered and that the accused wanted to actually create reasonable fear in the victim. A accused person does not have to utter threats just through notes but social media and online can be taken into account for that trial. charges of uttering threats can be laid out with assault charges as well, like domestic assault and even criminal harassment a conditional threat is for example threatening someone to help you do something or come with you and if you don’t listen to them they will beat you up or kill you, I have had lots of situations in my life time where someone I know that I’m not as close to anymore would threaten me to do something that I did not want to do that is conditional threat. If you are hit with threat charges and know your innocent ,don’t limit yourself you can do different defensive techniques ,it also depends on your case and most of these defences look into how serious the accused was and look at their background history ,if they have any crimes, they have done in the past or if they have some sort of mental disorder or anger issues.