Categorieën: Alle - residential - identity - culture - language

door Dehan Pathiraja 4 maanden geleden


Truth And Reconsiliation

Phylis Webstad's story reflects the traumatic experiences faced by Indigenous children in residential schools, where personal belongings like her orange shirt were confiscated, symbolizing the loss of identity and self-worth.

Truth And Reconsiliation

Truth And Reconsiliation


Language is what makes Indigineuous people who they are. It is very important to them as they believe the creator gave it to them. When you lose your language, it takes a lot away from you like your identity and culture
All across Canada, there are 70 different indigineuos languages that are spoken. Sadly, their language is disapearing

Life Before and After

In Residential school, they changed childrens names into English names. They changed their beliefs and tried to take their culture and values as an indigenous person away from them.
Majority of Indigineuos people are costal. Which means they live on the coast and near the water. After residential school, some of the survivors regained their Identity. They gained things like Labguage, Beliefs and more.

Sharing Indigineuos people's culture.

Throat Singing was created when a women's husband did not come back from hunting. To stop the children from starving she mimicked the sounds of Nature and fed the children.
Brion Oshawd was a jigging champion. Throat singing was banned by the settlers as they thought it was demonic. Powwows were also not allowed at one point.

Phylises Story

When Phylis webstad was about to attend the first day of reisdential school,her grandmother bought her an orange shirt, this orange shirt was taken by the staff of residential school.
When Phylis' went to Residential school,all her clothes were taken away from her and were never given back even at the end of Residential School. Now, because of that, the color Orange remind s her that her feelings don't matter. Another thing that suprises me was the fact that she had a baby in such a young age.