Categorieën: Alle - escucha - empatía - confianza - comunicación

door Alejandra Jácome 3 jaren geleden


Uso de la estrategia Rapport en el estudio de caso

La estrategia del Rapport en el ámbito terapéutico se centra en la creación de una relación equilibrada entre el paciente y el profesional, donde ambos trabajan en conjunto para resolver problemas.

Uso de la estrategia Rapport en el estudio de caso

Uso de la estrategia Rapport en el estudio de caso

Express your feeling and opinions about the people in your life, the books you have been reading, the weather and your favorite food.

Es la relación terapéutica que se mueve en el equilibrio entre la diferencia de los roles paciente - profesional y la meta común de colaborar para solucionar un problema


Coherencia entre lenguaje verbal y no verbal
Buscar puntos comunes
Establecer confianza


5. Hacer autocrítica frecuentemente
Pulir las imperfecciones de alianza entre psicólogo y paciente
4. Poner a prueba la calidad del Rapport
Adoptar una postura muy distinta a la de la otra persona o modificando el ritmo del habla para ver si esta iniciativa es imitada
3. Formular enuciados sin ambigüedades

What is the season you like the least?

Utilizar un lenguaje accesible y claro

Why do you dislike this season?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.

2. Hacer que el lenguaje no verbal y el verbal casen entre sí

What is the worst book you read?
Type in the title.

Expresarse de manera limpia, sin contradicciones entre lo que se dice y lo que se hace

What do you feel about this book?
How did it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.

1. Ser conscientes de la importancia de la primera impresión

What food you dislike the most?

Capacidad para generar un buen Rapport

Why do you dislike this food?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.




What is your favorite season?

Entre ambas personas

Why do you like this season?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.


What is your favorite book?
Type in the title.

Compartido y empático

What is your impression of this book?
How did it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.

Alianza terapéutica

What is your favorite food?

Paciente y profesional

Why is it your favorite food?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.




El establecimiento de empatía, confianza y comunicación clara.

Lugares comunes

Hace referencia a la necesidad de centrar el foco


Who is the person you like the least?
Type in the answer.


Encontrar maneras de corresponder las aportaciones de la otra persona.


Describe your feelings about this person.
Try to come up with other descriptive adjectives instead of bad.


Describe the way he/she looks like.
Try to provide as many descriptive adjectives as you can, taking into account the meaning of bad in this context.

Escucha Activa

Describe how he/she acts or behaves. Try to come up with various adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this situation.

1. Coordinación

Who is the best person in the world for you? Type in the answer.

motherfathergrandfathersisterbrothergrandmotherbest friend

Adaptarse al ritmo de la otra persona


Describe your feelings about this person.
Try to come up with other descriptive adjectives instead of good and nice.

safelovedprotectedappreciatedcared forencouraged

Reflejando uno mismo el estado emocional de la otra persona para empatizar y a la vez hacer manifiesta esa empatía.


Describe the way he/she looks like.
Try to provide as many descriptive adjectives as you can, taking into account the meaning of good and nice in this context.


Adaptar el tono de voz y el ritmo del habla al de la otra persona.


Describe how he/she acts or behaves. Try to come up with various adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this situation.


Captando el todo general de su lenguaje no verbal y replicándolo de modo parecido.