The outlined structure presents a comprehensive work breakdown for a project, detailing various key sections and their subsections. The primary categories include project management, technical components, design, documentation, integration, and sales strategies.
WBS Foot ID 7. Integration 6. sells 6.3 SMM 6.2 Markets 6.1 WebPage 5. test 5.3 API 5.2 plagins 5.1 mob app 4. Documentation (&/or) Guide 4.2 for admin 4.1 for customer 3. Design 3.2 for admin 3.2.4 Instructions 3.2.2 UI 3.2.1 UX 3.1 for customer 3.1.5 instructions 3.1.4 AR 3.1.2 UI 3.1.1 UX 2 Tech part 2.2 plagins 2.2.3 API 2.2.2 opencart 2.2.1 WP 2.1 mobile app 2.1.2 Android 2.1.1 IOS 1. PM 1.8 reports 1.8.3 make reports to stakeholders 1.8.2 get reports from designer 1.8.1 get reports from dev`s 1.7 Development 1.7.4 feedback 1.7.3 control 1.7.2 tasks 1.7.1 Looking for dev`s 1.6 Comunication 1.6.2 with staff dev`s design
1.6.1 with stakeholders 1.5 Documents 1.5.2 Contract 1.5.1 First agreements 1.4 Plan 1.4.2 Technickal requirment (TZ) 1.4.1 Estimate (costs) 1.3WBS 1.2 Charter of the Project 1.2.3 Approve 1.2.2 Writening of the Charter 1.2.1 Scope of work 1.1 Business case