door Izzi Molina 1 jaar geleden
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the specific words "factory" and "useful men out of boys" show that the father is forcing these dystopian values into his son. hes teaching him to value being stripped away of your individuality and teaching misogynistic things to the son. this relates to the unit question because things that are taught to young children will stick with them forever and what we are taught when we are young is what shapes us in the future. in this quote, the narrators father is pushing him to become a man and he has no choice but to continue on and grow up even though hes not ready, making this a memorable life moment.
these words convey feelings of forced and dystopian and no individuality because the father is teaching the narrator that he's not even a human anymore but a material to be molded in a factory and will come out looking like something else. the word factory is used to materials and objects, not humans.
these feelings help me understand the unit question because they show that being taught about unrealistic things or especially things you cannot control will stick with you forever. and its the most important things in life because eventually it becomes a cycle in society. the laws and values that we are forced to learn as children especially when we resist them, stay with us forever and shape the people we become. so we enforce those values onto our children and so on.
specific words "shrieked' and "crazy" show that the narrator was scared and stressed out in the new world after being held in the factory for so long. this relates to the unit question because as a child hes had so many memorable moments and hes been stuck in a "factory" all day that his whole life has passed by. we have so many memorable moments in life that time passes by so fast and we dont even realize it because were so caught up in the now. this also shows how as we get older the world gets more darker and we forget to appreciate the life moments that were beautiful when we were younger, (when the narrator resisted going to school and was close minded at the beginning.)
the words convey feelings of stress, coldness, and negativity because as we get older the world gets more negative around us and we start seeing the real. when we are young, were so naive and innocent that we dont yet understand the darkness that surrounds us. and it makes us miss when we were younger and didnt see it yet and we were happy and made memories.
these feelings help me understand the unit question because they show that life passes by so fast and its hard to appreciate moments when they're happening because were so lost and stuck in them that we dont realize how fast theyre going to end, and eventually the world turns darker and colder as we get older and then we finally realize that we should have appreciated those moments more.
the specific words "imagination" and "haggard" show that they are in shock about the way that he looks and how he differs from them so much that they can't even fit a kind of man like this into their minds. this relates to the unit question because it shows that when we see things that are so different from us especially when we are closed minded, it becomes a memorable moment for us. this is because the people of the village are so closed minded and only used to their own village and people, so discovering different things can be a shock and a memorable moment.
these words convey feelings of surprised and feeling overwhelmed. this is because the women of the village are overwhelmed with how different he looks and how they have never seen anything like it before. this also is why they feel surprised and in awe because they have so much respect towards this perfect man.
these feelings help me understand the unit question because they show that when we discover different things and things that we never knew could possibly exist, it opens up our minds and our imagination. this makes for a memorable moment because we always remember the things that surprise us the most and how happy they make us.
the specific words "jellyfish" "whale" and "had no flags or masts' show how they are so young and childish, of course because they are children. this relates to the unit question because when we discover dark things and things that have not yet been explained to us as children, we see it as something different and we think the best of something or the most immature idea. this can be a memorable moment for us because we then realize in the future how naive we were and how realizing what the object actually was, had an impact and taught us so much.
these words convey feelings of immaturity and childish like. this is because the children don't yet understand that it is a dead body. so they think about any other choice or thing that it could be. and they make it playful.
these feelings relate to the unit question because they show that children are naive and don't understand things, and when they see or discover things that they don't yet understand and have not learnt, it becomes a memorable moment because you never forget when you discover something shocking to you that you would've never thought about.
specific words like "yellow grass" "tree" "baseball feild" show that hes remembering a good moment from his life. this relates to the unit question because baseball was probably a big part of his life and something he loved, and when we gather our memories together we always remember the good things in life and times where we were happy.
these words convey feelings of happiness and they show that hes remembering a happy moment in his life
these feelings help me understand the unit question because they show that memorable life moments are when we are at our safe place and from our childhood when we had no worries. the quote shows that anders is remembering a happy moment where he was calm
specific words like "he knows better than to ask" shows that anders is rethinking about his past and rethinking his actions and choices. this relates to the unit question because when we look back at our memories we always rethink our choices and sometimes we regret things that we do or say and we think about what we would have done instead.
these lines convey feelings of thought and regret because the narrator is looking back at a moment where he rethought what he was going to say and this shows how when we look back at memeories we rethink our actions as well.
these feelings help me understand the unit question because they teach me that memorable life moments can make us feel regret sometimes even though we are happy. most regretful moments we always carry with us and remember.
specific lines like 'ill never be the kind of daugter you want me to be' and "only one kind of daughter can live in the house" relate to the unit question because they show that her whole entire life was spent feeling like she was being forced to be something that she was not. this shows that the things that parents do to you and say to you when your growing up tend to stick with you forever because your still developing and the things that are said to you build up your insecurities and form the person that you become. this reveals how memorable life moments are not always good memories, but also bad ones and they shape the people that we become.
these lines convey feelings of feeling inadequate and not living up to your parents expectations. the narrator feels inadequate because her mother keeps trying to make her into something that she is not, and she keeps failing at it.
these feelings help me understand the unit question better because they show that emotions we feel when were children stick with us till we grow up because its what shapes us as people and it controls how we feel when we grow up. this shows that this is a memorable moment because memorable moments contain emotions that we feel and part of a memorable moment is remembering how we felt.
the specific words "disaster" and we never talked about indicate that there are a lot of memories going on in their heads that they never spoke of again. it changes my thinking on the unit question a little differently because it makes me realize that not all memories are positive and some memories are so negative and life impacting that you never speak of it again even though you'll forever remember it
the words words "failure" and 'disater" convey feelings of insecurity and anger and sadness. this shows that throughout her whole life, the narrator felt like she was never good enough for her mother and she was a failure, and they had so many fights and her disaster and her piano recital where she messed up stuck with her as a memory because she was embarrased.
these feelings help me to understand the unit question in a better way. it helps me understand that memories with deep and dark impacts that might have been negative, will stick longer and you may never speak of them again but they will always be in your head. it also helps me understand that when we go through huge and embarrassing situations, they stick with us forever because we feel like they define us as a person. we never forget any embarassing moments because we remember how we felt when we were in that exact moment and how it made us feel. especially because her whole entire life she was treated like she wasnt good enough, that forced her to grow up feeling the need to please people, because those memories stuck with her.