Categorieën: Alle - innovation - government - disease - war

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WORLD ISSUES- an issue that drastically, or over time, affects individuals and/or the environment globally.

Global issues significantly impact individuals and the environment, often causing dramatic or gradual changes. War has historically reshaped political structures, leading to new governments without societal input and causing economic decline due to population loss, infrastructure damage, and psychological costs.

WORLD ISSUES- an issue that drastically, or over time, affects individuals and/or the environment globally.

WORLD ISSUES- an issue that drastically, or over time, affects individuals and/or the environment globally.

Past World Issues

More than anything, war is a development issue. It completely changes the way the world works. It is hard for individuals to live normally when parties are in a brawl.
Due to the impacts of war, political structures and governmental positions were majorly affected. New governments usually reign during war, with no input from society members etc.
War was a major destruction to families and communities in societies. World wars caused a lot of destruction to cities buildings, leaving many people homeless and unable to live properly. It also caused many psychological consequences during and after the war.
An ongoing topic for a extensive amount of time, war, was a major issue. Economically, it caused a major decline in working population, damage to infrastructure, higher psychological costs, and overall prevented the economy from working normally. Although it was an issue, on the flip side, many innovations and new technology were created as well.
The lack of education can be a strong reason why the development of many things was/is delayed. The root of understanding the difference between right and wrong is education. When people don't have that, it is hard for them to understand what to advocate for and how to live it.
Education forms most political views and is the foundation of these opinions. From a political perspective, this is only a drawback. The lack of education destructs the proper democratic system. It leads groups of people to follow the wrong people. When one isn't educated, they don't have ideas of what democrat initiatives to support and which is the better option.
Lack of education made it hard for individuals to build a life successfully. Societal issues in this perspective consisted of individuals not being able to portray themselves, higher unemployment rates, exploitation, poorer health, etc. These all play a factor in living in a society and how it affects the people around. Education gives people in a society what they need to compete in the market, and people don't have that knowledge, there's no competition in a society.
The scarcity of education around the world was a large issue. This directly affects the economical growth of a country. Innovation and being creative is a large part of the economy. A lot of workers weren't educated back then, reducing the prospects of a sustainable economic growth. Under these circumstances, it was hard for higher paying jobs and growth industries to actually grow.
Although the drawbacks that are caused by this issue aren't minor, in terms of the development of countries and it's government, I feel as though it is a positive. It allows the people in authority to test their abilities and develop themselves and their country/community to adapt to the situation. It allows them to learn and be ready for a next time.
From a political aspect, diseases are an outlet that destabilises a country/community for a period of time. It makes it hard for governments to control concerned people and try to dwindle situations at the same time. For example, covid-19 startled the whole world in such a short time period. It required governments and people of authority to act accordingly and make sure they're doing the right thing.
This issue is more a social issue than any other issue in my opinion. Outbreaks through large communities can cause a break in social lives. Corona virus is a large example of this. The interactions and togetherness in society greatly decreases.
In the economy, an outbreak of a disease can cause great drawbacks and economic burden from the loss of funds in health care and mortality. The Black plaque or Spanish flu are incredible examples of how the economy changed due to these outbreaks. There was major inflation in exporting and importing goods etc.

Current World Issues

The crucial development perspective initiates an idea that the issue of substance abuse acts as a barrier from further improving some things in society, government, the environment etc.
The increasing use and abuse of drugs is requiring the attention of governmental forces to modify and/or apply new laws and/or create more facilities for individuals undergoing these circumstances. I think this issue is politically holding back our society, there could be many new ideas and laws the government could've concentrated towards.
There are endless social issues that arise on account of substance abuse. This can have an effect on mental health causing higher risk of committing crimes. It can reduce productivity, reduce quality of life, cause suffer to families, and only affect the society poorly.
The rising percentages of drug use and abuse require the development of more and more rehab treatment establishments as well as incarceration and premature death costs. These create major costs in loss productivity, affecting the economy negatively.
The development of global warming and climate change can soon disrupt the development of buildings, environmental advancements, and technology.
Global warming will require governments to take higher political action, creating resources and programs to adapt to changes caused by climate change.
Social issues include higher surface temperatures, effects on agriculture and food, more dramatic weathers(flood/drought).
Economically, this could damage its growth by affecting insurance rates, negatively impacting GDP, as well as reducing work productivity, causing lifelong repercussions.