Categorieën: Alle - rap - equality - hip-hop

door Demitre Ellis - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 6 jaren geleden


Wynton Marsalis

The conversation highlights Wynton Marsalis's critique of modern rap and hip-hop, emphasizing a departure from its original, more innocent forms to content he finds inappropriate and disrespectful.

Wynton Marsalis


Wynton Marsalis


another topic that is also similar to truthfulness is equality Wynton in the quote on the left a good example. Wynton mad it how the rapping industries has changed and how they rap about very inappropriate things now days and he is equal when he talks about it and he dosen't about specific rappers he has a problem with all of rap it self and those who disrespect the rap name
Another thing from enders game is that there is some equality in the book there is a girl named Petra and everyone in the book disrespects her but they dont realise how smart she is and the only one who actually gives her a chance is ender, ender sees her for who she actually is and can see how smart she is so that's why he keeps her around because he sees that she is a good friend and that she isn't like the others and ender sees that
"It's rapping, but it ain't hip-hop," he says. "It's the kind of rap we did in New Orleans back in the day. We called it juba juba, you know, 'My grandma said to your grandma/ Iko iko uh nay.' But it dates back long before the Dr John or Dixie Cups version of that song. Kids would sit on the street corner, improvising stupid rhymes with pornographic lyrics. You know the kind of thing: 'Your old woman got an ass like a truck/ Your old woman she likes to fuck.'" He declaims the words while beating out a rhythm on the table. "Today's hip-hop
being a truthful leader is so important because you allow the people around you to truly see how great being truth full is and staying true can help as it can solve most problems and people wont get offended by it either and when you are truthful people around you and the person or group you are trying to direct everything to can get a piece of your mind see how you really feel
As shown in enders game a novel that i have read being truthful is important and being true to one self is even more important as ender throughout the book had to deal with real problems he didn't let the judgment of those who hate him get to him he shrugged it off and stayed to what he was trying to accomplish and he chose friends that would build him up and he stayed true to those friends not ever thinking less of them or leaving them behind and not letting what other say change his opinion on them even in the end where he had taken the egg of the last queen ender could have easily destroyed it and ended everything but after he made his promise he had to stay true to himself knowing he would be haunted by guilt if nothing was done and he had to know that the entire death of a species was his fault and that they were only peaceful so being true to other by keeping your promises and being true to yourself by knowing what you do and not to follow the crowd
Wynton Marsalis is 10 minutes into an angry denunciation of hip-hop and he's just hitting his stride. "I call it 'ghetto minstrelsy'," he says. "Old school minstrels used to say they were 'real darkies from the real plantation'. Hip-hop substitutes the plantation for the streets
its proven how Wynton is angry at the way things are turning out in music and the rappers now a days just make the rap title look bad and hes furious at that


being flexible is one of the most essential things to being a leader because those around you will eventually have ideas that they wanna share and you have to work with what they say while fitting in your own idea and even when a problem presents itself you are able to work around it because as a leader nothing should get in your way you should always persevere when things get tough and you should never settle for one thing only work outside your comport zone to see things at a new perspective
being a flexible leader is also something that Ender from Enders game is good at he has a brilliant mind that he can wrap his head around any problem if not not instantly only in a few minutes he can com up with a solution and thats amazing to be able to adapt to any situation and just being able to look at a problem and being able to solve it and a perfect example is when ender and Bernard had to work together they were originally rivals and enemy but ender soon adapted to how Bernard is and they slowly got closer to one another showing that even when you dont like someone or something give it or them a chance and you will eventually see it or that person for they truly are
Beyond just his Grammy Awards and his coveted Pulitzer, Marsalis has received numerous additional distinctions for his musicianship and community outreach. He's the recipient of several honorary degrees and, in 2005, was given The National Medal of Arts.
Wynton is very flexible in the way that even after getting one award he still strives to get awards that never knew he could get and he still worked for even greater things things