Mind Map
Contemplation & relaxation
Create instruction templates
Plan your schedules: to do lists
Investigate what makes you happy
Consolidate your existing knowledge
Outline your business or a potential new business
Take charge of your emotions & plan positive action
Summarise content of videos/DVD’s/Films/Talks/Speeches
Differences between American English and British English
Investigate lessons learnt from failures
Categorise your Music CD’s & DVD’s
Create acronyms for memorisation
Identify multiple perspectives
Explore existing knowledge
Plan your reading material
Define a business project
Study, learn & pass exams
Increase your brain power
Outline your writing/essays
Develop your creative thinking
Manage your day/week/month/year
Teach small kids animals, foods, plants etc
Study & learn a new topic, culture or country or language
Explore potential answers to world problems
Categorise crops, plants & flowers in your garden
Discover what you want to do with your life
Research inspiring & successful people
Organise house & paint colours/codes
Investigate what makes you unhappy
Create a map with inspiring people
Organise & bring order to daily life
Set SMART goals for the next year
Organise your favourite websites
Summarise an event or concert
Create maps with funny quotes
List of home improvements
Delve into your family tree
Set new year's resolutions
Porter's 5 forces analysis