Greece Rocket War (希臘火箭大戰)
Location 地點
Time 時間
April 4th year
Origin 由來
19th Century Ottoman Empire lnvade
Significance 意義
Orthodox Easter
Chios 希俄斯島
April 4th year
19th Century Ottoman Empire lnvade
In the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire after the invasion of Greece, confiscated the locals cannon, so they can not woo gun celebrate Easter, so they rocket as substitutes.19世紀時,鄂圖曼帝國入侵希臘後,沒收當地人的大炮,令他們不能嗚炮慶祝復活節,於是便以火箭為代替品.
Another argument is that the two churches of the faithful in celebrating Easter, will cover the firing of rockets on each other, to prevent the Turks harassment record after they crucified Jesus was resurrected.另一個說法是,兩間教堂的信眾在慶祝復活節時,會互相向對方發射火箭掩護,阻止土耳其人騷擾他們紀錄耶穌被釘死後復活。
Orthodox Easter
Traditional celebration of the Orthodox Easter, staged a rocket war.傳統慶祝東正教復活節,上演一場火箭大戰。
Rockets hit the winner even if the other party Belfry把火箭射中對方鐘樓的一方就算獲勝。
Local two Orthodox churches, such as homemade fireworks every year like home-made rockets, fired at each other's churches. In the dark night sky rocket interleaved first glance thought it was fireworks.當地兩間東正教教堂,每年都會自製如煙花般的土製火箭,射向對方的教堂。火箭在漆黑的夜空中交錯,驟眼還以為是煙火大會。