Alvin Walker Strengths


Work in environments that have regulations, policies, procedures, and guidelines firmly established. Realize that you are more effective and efficient when everyone, regardless of status, must follow the same rules

Choose workplaces where standard operating procedures are emphasize in orientation, training development, and manuals

Finalize your entire degree or certification plan as early in your collegiate career as possible. Each term, double-check your plan to ensure you are in compliance with graduation requirements

Anticipate what you need to do to earn the grade you want in each class. Set up and adhere to a study routine. Realize that you excel when your life has a rhythm to it

Create study rituals that suit your thinking and learning style. Read ahead. Write down questions to which you want answers. Highlight key ideas, steps, and concepts. Take notes on note cards, in a spiral notebook, or in computer files


Select a career that provides you with numerous opportunities to excel as an individual. Control your workflow, schedule, productivity, quality level, and action plan

Find a career in which you can work as hard as you want. Avoid work situations controlled by collective bargaining agreements that limit how much you can produce each day

Set one or two “stretch” targets, such as earning a specific grade-point average, winning honors status, or being named to the dean’s list

Review your goals-achievement log. Look for evidence that you are progressing toward your objectives. Outline the steps you took to acquire one particular skill or master one key concept

Pay close attention to your body clock. Decide when your mind is most alert. Use this insight to your advantage when scheduling time to study


Dream big. Write down your dreams, and continue to make progress toward your biggest dreams

Choose jobs that will help you gain the connections you need for the job you want after graduation

Take risks to gain new insights, even if they are out of your comfort zone. Set academic goals to project yourself into a successful futur

Try to truly understand what you’re studying; don’t just memorize. Always relate what you’re studying to where you see yourself in the future

Choose classes that will apply to your career goals


Select work where competency is valued and where you will have opportunities to keep developing your competencies

Select work where competency is valued and where you will have opportunities to keep developing your competencies

Look at every situation as a possible learning experience. This approach will help you become aware of what you do well and where you need hel

Have lots of conversations on subjects you are passionate about with people who are interested in learning

Don’t restrict your learning experiences to the classroom. Engage in activities in which you can expand your knowledge about subject that interest you most


You will add benefit to a work environment, bringing them together for a common goal

The field of social work may interest you. Making sure that children are placed in a home where they are loved and become a real part of the family would give you great pleasure

Study with other people. If someone in the group is not talking, try to bring him or her into the conversation

Sign up for classes in which you will learn more about the uniqueness of particular groups of people. Use this information to help them feel included

Help tutor those who do not have the social or economic privileges you have. Develop or participate in programs that promote diversity