Amanda Heim
Fixing the Classroom
Curriculum Design and Differentiation
Does reading a book twice in one week help with print knowledge and vocabulary?
Does using visuals and verbal directions help student complete their work independently?
How does small groups meet individual students needs when there is a wide-range of learning levels amongst the group?
Health and Nutrition
Does providing a guided relaxation time before a learning activity/group expand on students attention spans?
If a teacher models trying new foods at the snack table, will it encourage students to try new things as well?
Does providing adequate gross motor time affect student's behaviors in the classroom?

Does using IPADS help build language skills?
Does using online games help students with letter recognition?
Do Hatch computers really help the four areas of development amongst preschoolers?
21st Century Skills
What types of responsibility do we provide at school for preschoolers?
Does using open-ended questions provide self-direction?
Does using Second-Step provide the skills for problem solving?