Andean condor

that threatens him

The biggest threat he faces is human persecution, since some parts of his body are used as medicine, also because he is believed to attack cattle

loss of their natural habitat

food competition with other scavengers


It is present in the mountain range of the Andes of South America and the Santa Martha Mountains, in Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina

Inhabits the cliffs and caves of the high mountains, grasslands and even deserts.


It is an animal that remains active during the day because they are seen flying most of the time. As for social behavior, the male who dominates over the female and the adult to the minor.

This results in the best resting places in the caves or cliffs being occupied by the dominant males and the rest being designated for females and their chicks.


Its diet is based on carrion and sometimes small species or with little life time. It also includes the bodies of large mammals such as horses, goats, llamas, alpacas, deer, rheas, whales, etc.