Causes of Reagens Presidency
Foreign Problems
Iran Hostage Crisis
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Oil Crisis
War in the Middle East
Liberalism Loses its Appeal
Decline in northern industries
Watergate, Oil Crisis, and Iran hostages weakened public faith in the federal government
Economy stagnated which dampened America's optimism of the future.
Religious Participation Rises
Religious groups such as the Moral Majority opposed the views of the liberal programs
Helped the Republican party by reaching out to people who were not involved in the political process.
Distributed "report cards" that most likely favored Republicans.
New Right Criticizes Liberal Programs
People believed that liberal policies were responsible for stagflation and economic problems
Government taxed citizens and businesses too much and spent money on the wrong programs
Criticism in federal welfare programs
Environmentalists opposed the movement.
Population Trends Boost Conservatism
More and more Americans moved to suburbs which hurt their attachment to liberalism because of the financial struggle.
Historical realignment of white voters in the deep south when they moved from Democratic to Republican.