a). Land Navigation Mapping

b). Marching

3. Learning Context


1) Cost Of Training2) Hours Of Classroom Training3) Hours of Field Training4) Learning Tutorials5) Hours Of Online/Blended Virtual Reality Training6) Range Of Training7) Crosstraining Protocol8) Computer Interactiveness9) Interactiveness With Other Trainees10) Software Inclusions11) Hardware Attachments12) Examination Of Space Proximity13) Sequence Levels Of Courses (Novice, Journey men, Expert)14) Curriculum Planning15) Implementation16) Evaluation17) Stakeholders' Collaboration Hours

5. Learner Tasks


LEARNING GOALS1) Recruits Will Be Able To Identify Terrain Features On A Map & Illustrate Proper Map Reading Utilizing Virtual Reality Equipment2) Recruits Will Be Able To Measure Distance On A Map Utilizing Virtual Reality EquipmentLEARNING TASKS1) Identify Application Knowledge Of Map Reading To Fellow Recruits & Chain Of Command2) Explain Land Navigation With Feedback When It Is Appropriate To Use3) Demonstrate Map Reading To The Chain Of Command & Fellow Recruits In A Timely MannerLEARNING OBJECTIVES1) Demonstrate Different Terrain Features On A Map To Chain Of Command & Fellow Recruits For Each Prescribed Sequence2) Assess Map Reading Ability With Virtual Reality Equipment Effectively By 80%3) Identify The Five Major & Three Minor Terrain Features On The Map In A Timely MannerSTANDARD PERFORMANCE MEASURES1) Identify The Five Major Terrain Features On A Map Using Virtual Reality2) Identify The Three Minor Terrain Features On A Map Using Virtual Reality3) Measure The Straight-Line Distance On The Map Using Virtual Reality With No More Than 5% Error4) Measure The Curved-Line Distance Using Virtual Reality With No More Than 10% Error

7. Strategies For Effective Assessment Instruments


1) Clarify The Specific Purposes Of The Assessment2) Develop An Assessment Specification Or Blueprint That Elaborates On The Definition Of Land Navigation Competence3) Design An Assessment Tool Or Set Of Tools4) Ensure Assessment Tools Have Good Psychometric Qualities5) Ensure The Assessment Is Acceptable To Test Takers6) Budget For Sufficient Administrative Support To Adequately Develop & Maintain The Assessment System

9. Delivery Strategies


STRATEGIES 1. Multimedia, 2. Spatial/Temporal Contiguity, 3. Segmenting/Sequencing Modality, 4. Signaling, 5. Personalization, 6. Animation, and 7. Analogizing and Concretizing MODE OF DELIVERYthe mode of delivery will be 21st century augmented reality and virtual worlds, with virtual settings for individuals and groups considering the following: word processed files, ebooks, audio and video files, synchronous and asynchronous online discussions, online games abd simulations and virtual world experiences

2. Learner Needs


1) Upgrade In Technology2) Improve Performance3) Decrease Burnout4) Improve Effectiveness5) Increase Speed & Precision6) Enhance Learning7) Realtime Accurate Feedback8) Safe Training Environment9) Adaptable Learning Platform10) Improve Learner Engagement11) Increase Motivation For Learning12) Lightweight Innovative Equipment13) Accessibility In Learning14) Flexibility In Learning15) Affordable Technology

4. Learner Characteristics


1) Adult Learners2) Self-Directed3) Autonomous4) Mature5) Professionally Responsible6) Dependable7) Persistent8) Resourceful9) Experiential Richness10) International Mastery Of Location & Events11) Intercultural Awareness12) Intrinsically Motivated13) History Of Organizational Commitment14) Sense Of Community15) Schedule & Work Flexibility16) Goal-Oriented17) Disciplined18) Leadership Savvy19) Different Management Styles20) Constructive Unit21) Sharp22) Positive Disposition23) Varied Interests24) Coping Abilities

6. Learner Assessments


TYPES OF ASSESSMENTS1) Post-Assessment2) End Of Sequence Level Knowledge Test3) Final Simulation Assessment4) Authentic Situational Judgment Test5) On-The-Job Observation TEST MODELS1) Matching2) Educational Games3) Fill In Blanks4) Reviews5) Direct Feedback6) Realtime Progress Monitors7) Individual Observation8) Group Observation

8. Instructional Plan


IntroductionActivate attention – How will you gain learners’ attention?The recruit's attention will be activated by establishing clear and specific training goals based on their current level of knowledge, skills, and abilities.Establish instructional purpose – How will you inform learners of the instructional goal? Informing recruits of the instructional goal will involve defining and describing key terms of training material prior to presenting the more complex conceptual relationships between the terms.Arouse interest and motivation – How will you stimulate learners’ attention? How will you stimulate the learners’ motivation? Recruits attention will be stimulated with the virtual equipment and attachments, also with presented training materials usingpictures and words spatially separated, and concurrently, rather than separated in time. In addition, this population has its own reward system of levels, ranks, badges, awards, etc...Preview lesson – How will you provide an overview of the lesson?An overview of the lesson for recruits will be provided by a virtual reality tutorial or instruction from a level Commander.BodyRecall prior knowledge – How will you stimulate recall of prior knowledge?To stimulate recall of prior knowledge, advance organizers will be utilized to provide recruits with relevant or background information prior to learning in order to facilitate the integration of newly acquired information with prior knowledge.Process information – How will you present information and examples?Information and examples will be presented by organizing the most important material into visual, auditory, conversational pieces to help recruits solve problems initially with guided practice and then on their own to develop expertise.Focus attention – How will you gain and direct attention? To gain and direct attention for recruits, signaling will be used to emphasize the most important training material by providing visual (arrows, animations, simulations, etc...) and auditory cues.Employ learning strategies – How will you guide or prompt use of learning strategies? Guiding learning strategies will include worked out examples, faded examples, completion problems, conventional problem-solving, minimally- guided instruction, and cognitive apprenticeship. Practice – How will you provide for and guide practice? The practice will be a training event consisting of deliberate practice presenting recruits with opportunities to engage in practice exercises, which provides specific feedback to assist with skill mastery. Also, distributed practice will be incorporated during training to help with overall skill mastery, maximize long-term learning, and distribute practice over multiple, short training sessions that are separated in time, as opposed to massing practice all at once.Evaluate feedback – How will you provide feedback? Immediate feedback will immediately follow errors made during problem-solving, provide recruits with corrections, hints or explanations to help them solve the solutions steps accurately, address recruit errors by explaining the rationale behind correct solutions (explanatory feedback), as opposed to only informing recruits whether their solution was right or wrong (corrective feedback).ConclusionSummarize and review – How will you provide a summary and review? The summary and review will be provided to recruits following completion of a training task or sequence level. It will include corrective and explanatory feedback, as well as suggestions for performance improvement.Transfer knowledge – How will you enhance transfer?This will be done via computer or virtual reality equipment by presenting real-time, real-world sequence complex material, which are manageable segments of information that present and explain steps required for problem-solving ranging from a novice level to an expert level of knowledge acquisition and practical application.Goal: [Insert the instructional goal from project u06a1 – Analyzing Learning Tasks here.]CONDITIONSGiven a standard 1:50,000 scale military map, virtual reality equipment (hardware/software)Given a standard 1:50,000 scale military map, virtual reality equipment (hardware/software) Learning Goals1). Recruits will be able to identify terrain features on a map andillustrate proper map reading utilizing virtual reality equipment KNOWLEDGE (Some Prior Knowledge/Minimal Gaps2). Recruits will be to measure distance on a map utilizing virtual reality equipment KNOWLEDGE (Some Prior Knowledge/Minimal Gaps)Type of Learning: [Knowledge Category of Learning]Objective: [Learning Tasks1- Identify application knowledge of map reading to fellow recruits and chain of command2- Explain land navigation with feedback when it is appropriate to use3- Demonstrate map reading to the chain of command and fellow recruits in a timely mannerLearning ObjectivesAt the completion of virtual reality training sequences, recruits will be able to: 1). Demonstrate different terrain features on a map to chain of command and fellow recruits for each prescribed sequence (easy, medium, hard, expert) 2). Assess map reading ability with virtual reality equipment effectively by 80% 3). Identify the five major and three minor terrain features on the map in a timely mannerStandard Performance Measures1. Identify the five major terrain features on a map using virtual reality2. Identify the three minor terrain features on a map using virtual reality3. Measure the straight-line distance on the map using virtual reality with no more than 5 percent error4. Measure the curved-line distance using virtual reality with no more than 10 percent error]IntroductionActivate attention – How will you gain learners’ attention?The recruit's attention will be activated by establishing clear and specific training goals based on their current level of knowledge, skills, and abilities.Establish instructional purpose – How will you inform learners of the instructional goal? Informing recruits of the instructional goal will involve defining and describing key terms of training material prior to presenting the more complex conceptual relationships between the terms.Arouse interest and motivation – How will you stimulate learners’ attention? How will you stimulate the learners’ motivation? Recruits attention will be stimulated with the virtual equipment and attachments, also with presented training materials usingpictures and words spatially separated, and concurrently, rather than separated in time. In addition, this population has its own reward system of levels, ranks, badges, awards, etc...Preview lesson – How will you provide an overview of the lesson?An overview of the lesson for recruits will be provided by a virtual reality tutorial or instruction from a level Commander.BodyRecall prior knowledge – How will you stimulate recall of prior knowledge?To stimulate recall of prior knowledge, advance organizers will be utilized to provide recruits with relevant or background information prior to learning in order to facilitate the integration of newly acquired information with prior knowledge.Process information – How will you present information and examples?Information and examples will be presented by organizing the most important material into visual, auditory, conversational pieces to help recruits solve problems initially with guided practice and then on their own to develop expertise.Focus attention – How will you gain and direct attention? To gain and direct attention for recruits, signaling will be used to emphasize the most important training material by providing visual (arrows, animations, simulations, etc...) and auditory cues.Employ learning strategies – How will you guide or prompt use of learning strategies? Guiding learning strategies will include worked out examples, faded examples, completion problems, conventional problem-solving, minimally- guided instruction, and cognitive apprenticeship. Practice – How will you provide for and guide practice? The practice will be a training event consisting of deliberate practice presenting recruits with opportunities to engage in practice exercises, which provides specific feedback to assist with skill mastery. Also, distributed practice will be incorporated during training to help with overall skill mastery, maximize long-term learning, and distribute practice over multiple, short training sessions that are separated in time, as opposed to massing practice all at once.Evaluate feedback – How will you provide feedback? Immediate feedback will immediately follow errors made during problem-solving, provide recruits with corrections, hints or explanations to help them solve the solutions steps accurately, address recruit errors by explaining the rationale behind correct solutions (explanatory feedback), as opposed to only informing recruits whether their solution was right or wrong (corrective feedback).ConclusionSummarize and review – How will you provide a summary and review? The summary and review will be provided to recruits following completion of a training task or sequence level. It will include corrective and explanatory feedback, as well as suggestions for performance improvement.Transfer knowledge – How will you enhance transfer?This will be done via computer or virtual reality equipment by presenting real-time, real-world sequence complex material, which are manageable segments of information that present and explain steps required for problem-solving ranging from a novice level to an expert level of knowledge acquisition and practical application.Remotivate and close – How will you provide remediation and closure? This will be accomplished by prompting recruits to reflect upon their own training outcomes and to consider ways in which they could improve their performance.AssessmentAssess performance – How will you conduct assessment? Assessment will be conducted by testing and on-the-job performance. It will be utilized as a training tool in accordance with testing military trainees on the material.Evaluate feedback and remediate – How will you provide feedback and remediation? Feedback will be provided by after-action reviews and reflective prompting. In light of the mode of delivery, feedback will also be immediate, explanatory, and entail metacognitive prompting