CH3 Internal Controls

Internal Control Definition and Importance


Internal Control- A process, effected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.Purposes of internal control-Safeguarding assets-Ensuring financial statement reliability-Promoting operational efficiency-Encouraging compliance with management's directives

Internal Control is a process

Internal control necessarily involves people in the organization.

Internal controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance

Internal controls provide reasonable assurance in a few common areas, such as operations, financial reporting, and human behavior.

COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework

Control Environment


Control Environment refers to the tone at the top of the organization.

Risk Assessment


Involves using a taxonomy, business experience, research, and dialogue to identify the risks associated with operations.

Control Activities


Control activites refer to the actual internal controls implemented on the basis of the risk assessment.

Preventative controls

Detective controls

Corrective controls

Information & Communication


For an internal control system to function effectively, its purpose, methods, and results must be communicated throughout the organization.



To determine the quality of internal control performance.


Financial Risks

Market risk

Credit risk

Liquidity risk

Operational Risks

Systems risks

Human error risk

Strategic Risks

Legal and regulatory risk

Business strategy risk

Hazard Risk

Internal Control Examples


Adequate documentationBackground checksBackup of computer filesBackup of power suppliesBank reconciliationBatch control totalsData encryptionDocument matchingEdit checksFirewallsInsurance and bondingInternal auditsLimit checksLockbox systemsPhysical securityPreformatted date entry screensPrenumbered documentsRestrictive endorsement and daily deposits of checks receivedSegregation of dutiesUser training