Why is that a civilization had had divisions?
It was related to the type of work people had.
It was mostly related to the economic part.
It was divided into three parts

what is civilization?
civilization describes a very complex life.
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It is characterized for sharing communication methods.

What are the characteristics of it?
Specialized workers
Complex institutions
Advanced cities
Advanced technology
Record keeping
Why did it happen?
All civilizations had started from the basic instinct of survival.
We as part of a civilization have developed different skills in order to evolve.
People in the past needed to eat so they came up with ideas to produced food.
They invented a way to transport good from one place to another.
They learned how to trade those goods.
So. civilizations have grown and have made advances because life gets really complex so they need to survive.
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Where did it come from?
They first came from the Mesopotamia
Later on from Egypt
ultimately developed on every continent except Antarctica.

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Most historians believe that
one of the first civilizations arose in Sumer

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How does it work?
In order to harvest food and to survived.
they developed irrigation systems to produce a variety of goods for exchange.
They were good as artisants and they were good on jewlery.
They developed several skills as cities grew.
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