Clever Woman


Sean Murphy

Main Character and Hardworking


Likes piano and talking on the phone

Young Children

Like to fight with each other
and run around the house

Older Children

like to argue over the TV
and dance to music

Sean's Mother

likes to play the guitar and take naps

Sean's Friend

a caring friend

Linda McCormack

Clever woman


1.) Sean Murphy is a hard working man. Everyday he is happy to go home tin the country to be with his family. He always want to see his wife, his four children, and his mother. When he gets home he always want to sit on the sofa and relax with a book in hand.

2.) Unfortunately, Mr. Murphy's house is very noisy. his younger children fight with each other, his older children argue about the tv, his mother is playing the guitar, wife is playing the piano, and the pots and pans are bubbling.

3.) Mr. Murphy met his friend who suggested a lady named Linda McCormack. The friend said the lady is very clever. After work, he uses his bike to ask Linda for advice. She told him day after day to bring in chickens, geese, and a goat into his house.

4.) After bringing in those animals, Mr. Murphy's house became even noisier than before. On the last time he visited Linda, she told him to put the animals out of the house where they belong. Being confused, he went home and did what he was told. After which, everything went back to normal everyone doing what they did before the animals but Mr. Murphy doesn't mind because now it seems quiet to him. He thanks Linda with a gift before going home to relax finally.

Background on Sean Murphy


In the Country

Mode of Transportation

By bus and by bike

His house



Sean Murphy is a hardworking man. He has a problem with trying to relax with a book in his house. His family is big and they make a lot of noise in his house. After taking some suggestions from a clever woman, he finally solved his problem and can finally relax at home.

Moral of the Story

The moral of the story is "Do not take things for granted". Sean Murphy thought he couldn't relax with his family doing their own things. But when he added in animals into the house, he realized the noise can get much worse. He was relieved to go back to how his house was and the normal noise did not bother him anymore.