DBA in English for Elementary School
Fundamental tool to ensure the quality and equity of education for all children and young people in the country.
They describe knowledge and skills that students should learn and develop in the area of English. They are structured in coherence with the curricular guidelines and the basic standards of competence.
They account for the progressive development of each of the competencies.
They present examples to illustrate and explain the skills to be developed.
They guide the implementation of strategies that facilitate the development of skills.
Legal Aspects
The DBA has a legal basis issued by the Ministry of National Education.
Ley General de educacion 115 (1994)
Serie de lineamientos curriculares (1998)
Estandares basicos de competencias en lenguas extranjeras: ingles (2006).
Curriculo sugerido de ingles para primero a quinto y Derechos basicos de aprendzaje (2016)
The objective of the document is that we as teachers have a tool that serves as a guide and basis to ensure students a comprehensive learning, empowering skills, development, communication, sharing knowledge in the area of English.
Communication skills
1. Listen
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Monologue
5. Conversation
The first part of the document is constituted by a theoretical topic that introduces us to the subject of DBAs, in a second topic which is described by grades with each of the DBAs.
These are structured as follows:
1. Icon
2. Statement
3. Secondary ideas or clarifications
3. Example
Aimed at
Educational Institutions
Territorial entities