Future of Mobility

White Hat

White Hat




Red Hat

Red Hat


Future Mobility will reduce unemployment which in turn reduce poverty


Have to deal with holistic approach to environmental
and energy issues.


Future will be rooted from past hence EVs bring the
diversity which will become the source of innovation.

Black Hat

Black Hat


Critical thinking

Blue Hat

Blue Hat

Controls the thinking

We need to decide the future of Mobility keeping in view the geographical, technological and economical constraints of the country.

Organize the thinking

Whether we have to take first mover advantage or to wait till innovation reaches its maturity

Green Hat

Green Hat

Creative thinking

Underground tunnels for automated transportation
Hyper-loop pods with smart connectivity
Airbus popup and Gravity levitation


Solar energy farms in space that charges rockets
Flying wind farms, Hydrogen vehicles, Magnetic levitation

Interesting proposals

Using Rocket to travel from one country to other

Yellow Hat

Yellow Hat


Emerging technology, core infrastructure

Emerging digital technology

Alternative forms of transportation

Private Sector

Innovation and private capital

Efficient and faster