Field of Application
produce insulin
human growth hormones
follistim(for teating infertility)
human albumin
organisms are genetically engineered to discover the functions of certain genes
transforming microorganisms such as bacteria,yeast,insect mammalian cells with gene coding for a useful protein
create genetically-modified crops or genetically-modified organisms
Process of Genetic Engineering
Common Features of cloning vectors
A sequence of bases in a nucleic acid strand,that serves as a signal to start transcription
Multiple Cloning Site(MCS)
for insertion of the gene of interest
Antibiotic resistant gene
for selection of positive transformants

General procedure of Cloning Process
1.use restriction enzyme to digest/cut the plasmid(MCS)
2.insertion of gene into plasmid
3. Ligate digested plasmids with insert(use ligase) > recombinant plasmid
4.Transformation: recombinant plasmids back to the bacterium
5.Selection of positive recombinants
extra notes
uniting attaching two DNA fragments
recipient cell is the cell that is reviewing the 'new' DNA
Donor cell is the cell that provides the new DNA fragment for the recipient cell
Process of introducing recombinant DNA into bacteria
Competent cell is a cell that is capable of taking up DNA
Electroporation is the use of an electric shock to momentarily open or disrupt cell walls.
Conjugation is the contact of bacteria that involves the exchange of DNA with a mating tube.