Internet-based Project work

Why do Internet-based Project work?
Choose the Project topic

Make the task clear

Find the resources

Decide on the outcome

Webquest creation

Research skills

Analytical skills

Word processing skills

Exploring the possibilities stage

Choose and chunk the topic

Identify learning apps
Inventory resources

Uncover the question

Designing for sucess stage

Brainstorm transformations

Identify real-world feedback

Sort links into roles

Define the learning task

Creating your webquest stage

Write the web page
Engage learners

Scaffold thinking

Decision: implement and evaluate
Basic projects

A low-level Project – My favourite actor

A high-level Project – Global warming



Studio audience

Internet-based simulations

A business English simulation

A general English simulation


Short-term webquests

Longer-term webquests

Step 1- Introduction

Step 2- Task

Step 3- Process

Step 4- Evaluation