Key Employability Skills Business Careers

General Business

General Business

You can start your own business
if feel like it

Entering level jobs can lead you
to great resposiblity

The people enjoy their time while their
working an so they want extra duty

Academic Skills

Academic Skills


Is able to understand and is able to solve problems

Is able to know the use if computer, instruments,
tools and know info of the system properly

access and apply the knowledge for separate fields
(eg; Skilled Traders, Technology, Physical Science, Arts and Social Sciences

Thinks seriously and acts according to the situation and takes the matter into own hands



Is able speak & understand the different types of languages in the world of business

Ready to listen and Learn

Write effectively in the words that is
used in Business

Always have writhing materials, like graphs
charts and displays

Definition: Someone with the skills to explain the basic foundation of how to keep progressing in your work

Business Career

Teamwork Skills

Definition: Skills that a person uses to
cooperate with others on a job.

Employers look for job applicants who are able to perform the following:

Works well with coworkers

Contributes to organization

Understands the culture of the organization

Makes decisions with the organization

Personal management skills are skills, attitudes, and behaviors that demonstrates to a Canadian employer the level of ability you are capable.

Personal Management Skills

Positive Attitudes and Behaviors


Ability to set own goals and priorities in works and own life

Ability to manage money, time and other resources to achieve success

Take responsibility for own actions

Can strive and be positive for change

To be creative

Floating topic

Floating topic

Business Careers

Human Resources Careers

You can take courses Human
resources course in a community
college or at a Universities

Financial Careers

Financial Careers

You need degree in Business
and also need MBA

Have to love working with figures
and must have the intention to work
in any sector

They're Bank Tellers, Loan Officers
and Financial Planers are not stressful
jobs to do

The institute will help you and
they will train you



You can to start your own business

They need entrepreneur skill and a lot of

If you are a successful entrepreneur
you can make billions of dollars within

Business Careers

Accounting Careers

Accounting Careers

An accountant must be certified as a:
- Certified Accountant (CA)
- Certified General Accountant (CGA)
- Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

3 types of accountant:
- Tax accountant
- Management accountant
- Forensic accountant

After the 4 year degree and 2-3 years of
working in a accountancy office and after
that you write a certification exam to be
called as a accountant

Consulting Careers

Consulting Careers

Are people whose business is to help
and give advice and consultant and
get paid

Consultant help people with Management issues,
Marketing problems, Public relations and international

You don't need any specific
education background, but need
great deal of knowledge