
Working with numbers


To understand and use common factors

Factors of an integer are whole
numbers that divide into it
sometimes in factor pairs

Highest common factors

Highest possible
factor of an integer

Lowest common factors

Lowest possible
factor of an integer



To calculate angles in parallel lines

Allied angles

C angles

Add up to 180 degrees

Corresponding angles

F angles

Are equal

Alternate angles

Z angles

Are equal

To construct the mid-point and the perpendicular bisector of a line

Put compass on a point of line
Set the radius to bigger than half the line
Draw semi-circle
With compass at the same radius, do the same at other point
Draw line from the two points where the arcs meet


Where the two lines meet

Perpendicular Bisector

The line drawn

To construct an angle bisector

Put compass where the two lines in the angle meet at any radius and draw a semi-circle
Label the place where the semi-circle and lines meet Y and X
With the compass at any radius put the centre on Y and draw an arc
Then do the same on X
Draw line from where the two arcs meet to the place where the two lines of the angle meet
That line is the angle bisector

To construct a perpendicular line from a given point

Set your compass to a suitable radius to draw 2 arcs from the given point to intersect with the given line
Draw those arcs and label the points where the 2 arcs and the line meet X and Y
At the same radius draw 2 arcs with the centres at X and Y
Draw a line from where the two arcs intersect to the given point
That line is perpendicular to the first line

To construct a right angled triangle

Draw a 4cm line labeled A on the right and B on the left
Then extend AB another 4cm to the left so that B in the mid-point and label the left point X
Put your compass on B and set it to over half way to A and draw an arc labeled Z
Then do the same towards X labeled Y
At the same radius draw 2 arcs with the centres at Y and Z
Label where the two arcs intersect C
Draw a line from C to B
Draw a line from C to A



To reconise mutually exclusive
and exhausted events


Outcomes that cannot occur together
i.e. when you roll a dice you cannot get
a 1 and a 6 together as they are mutually


All of the possible outcomes

