My name is John Sherry. One song that I have a text-to-self connection with is Stand Out Fit In.
Evidence/proof 1 personal connetion
I have a personal connection to the song Stand Out Fit In because people always tell me what sport I should want to play competitively but sometimes I want to play something different or have a different favourite sport and I just want to have my own opinion.
evidence/proof 2 personal connection
Another thing i have in common with this song is that I just want to be myself in the way that I dress. I don't want to dress the same style as everyone else because it's not me but some people might think the style I like is weird or not cool and that would hurt my feelings but I will still just keep picking the clothes and style I like.
evidence/proof 3
The last connection I have with the song Stand Out Fit In is that I have seen people be bullied before. I personally haven't really been bullied but it still effects me when I see other kids be picked on or bullied. I always try to help them.