Ninety-Five Theses

What does it look like?

The ninety-five theses looks like paper that is stained by coffee indicates that it is very old since paper turns that color after being exposed to the earth elements for a long time. Something else you can take from it is that it is written in Latin.

What are the big ideas?

One of the big ideas is that only god can decide if you have repented enough or haven't which you can see by how much Martin Luther talks about repenting. Another idea is that you shouldn't listen to what the pope or the priest are saying since they are being greedy. An example of this is when Martin calls them out for talking about buying your souls out of purgatory which supported in theses 10, 21, 27, and 35 theses. In some of the theses Martin is talking about how he thinks the church should be run. For example he wrote that "Christians should be taught that the pope, in granting indulgences is a matter of free choice, not commanded(Luther,95)."

Who wrote it? Why?

The person who wrote the Ninety-Five Theses was a monk named Martin Luther. He wrote the Ninety-Five Theses because he didn't completely agree with the churches practice. Which ended up with him writing 95 theses as to why you shouldn't completely agree with what you hear from the church.

How does the author communicate his ideas?

Martin Luther communicates his ideas by writing 95 theses as to why you shouldn't listen to the pope and the other people who run the church about Christians. And to make sure people read it he nails it to the churches door so that anyone who was going to come in would see it.

What ideas are left out?

Ideas that are being let out are that not all of the 95 theses are their for us to read leading to us questioning what is missing? Another is what good did the church do? Since all Martin Luther talks about are the faults in the church. Nothing about the benefits the church gives. Also how is the pope in charge of the church and the military? Like is the pope just choose by the previous pope before them?

Whos perspective does it reflect?

The perspective it reflects is Martin Luther. He keeps on talking about what he thinks should be added to the church and talking about the faults of the church, he doesn't mention any thing good the church has done. He's only focusing in on the faults.

Whos perspective is omitted/questioned/challenged?

The person who is being challenged is the pope. He's being challenged because he is the most frequent person being called out in the Ninety-Five theses which is backed up by Martin Luther nailing the Ninety-Five theses right at the door of the church that is run by the pope.

Which source can this help me answer? Which can it not?

The Ninety-Five Theses can help me answer what the cracks were in the church and some ways to fix the churches problems. Sadly we don't know if the church implemented these ideas or not. It can also help me answer that other people agree with Martin Luther since we are learning about it today because if they didn't then it wouldn't still exist and e won't be talking about it.

Did it result in change?

The Ninety-Five Theses doesn't say anything about what has happened after Martin Luther nailed the letter to the door. But if I were to infer then I would say yes their was a change. The change was that people started to question the pope who was their leader instead of keeping it to themselves. Which later lead to people making beliefs and values for themselves.

What does it reveal about the values and beliefs of the past?

It reveals that people were starting to question weather or not to listen to the pope and with what he was say. They started to voice out what they are thinking about the topic instead of keeping it to themselves and never letting anyone else know. Leading to them figuring out what their beliefs and values are.