Nguyen Viet Anh Son
<Organizational Analysis>
Case study essay 1500Ws
UAW Labor Contract
Workers would be involved in deciding work standards, job allocations and layout, training, job rotation, and other work elements.
NUMMI management works to include employees in its suggestion and cost management systems programs
amount of water used to produce one automobile declined from 1,000 gallons to 680
responsibility for planning how to increase line speed.
completed automobiles roll off the end of the line at the rate of one every 58 second, and pick-up trucks at the rate of 92 seconds per completed vehicle.
formally recognised for their ideas and dedication, whether improving quality, safety, attendance, or production.
“buys the hearts of people"
Job security: No-strike, no-layoff agreement
Flexibility prevails instead of the confrontational enforcement of rules.
60 cents per hour premium is paid to team leaders
Engineers: occupy their first several weeks on the job working on the line
EMPATHY: appreciation for the tedious and stressful pressures workers face on the line
System Emphasises
Human relation
Shared responsibility
Philosophy emphasises
Mutual trust
Company ideology: Targeted building the highest quality vehicles at the lowest possible costs
Convis: Management Executive
“Manage as if you had no power.”
forget the command-and-control legacy
treat people dignity, to seek consensus in making decisions that directly affect people at work.
“do more than just complete your job and then go home.”
For example, if the robot that installs car seats breaks down, a team of mechanics put some of their people on the job to manually install seats while others work to solve the problem.
Advocate: “Work like your name is on the plant.”
no time clocks, only self-report time sheets
right and responsibility to shut down section
resolve any quality or operating problems.
no-fault attendance system
No reason required
No external documentation required
Every effort is made to help people overcome personal problems that might be causing attendance issues.
open office environment
Even Convis, as the senior line manager, had his desk in an open arena with 80 other people.
Promote sense of equity
managers and hourly employees eats at the same cafeteria
wear the same uniforms
Bonus: belief that employees should benefit from performance directly related to production objectives.
Productivity improvement