Paul Cézanne's Artwork

if the drawing was fake or not

Dr. Montoya

x-ray fluorescence (XRF)

the elemental composition of the painting matches the composition of the pigments used during the period 1839-1906

the painting is an original nineteenth century painting in agreement with the compositions of pigments available during Cézanne's time

Dr. Philip Marden 's findings

the painting is unsigned

similar to a Cézanne at the Barnes Foundation in Merion, Pennsylvania

elements are different than his paintings of that period

Dr. Pruschy

the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum

a substantial absorption from a polyene present in the paint material

could be a 100 years old

Dr. Andersen

infrared spectroscopy (IR)

might not be a Cézanne at all

the binder is based on an animal glue

there is underdrawing, probably charcoal


short-wave and long-wave UV

the pigments were made in the same studio and even by the same artist

If the underpainting is authentic

it is true, then it is not likely to be a Cézanne

Who found it?

Edgar Collins