Concept of "Tragedy of the Commons"
Many organisations (multi-national or national) release harmful gases/substances into the air/water/land (for their own benefit)
Air, water and land (shared resources) are polluted
What is the problem?
Too much harmful gases is released into the air
Causes acid rain
Which corrodes ancient statues and relics
Animals are dying because of the pollution
Affects our food supply
Noise pollution disturbs the animals' communication and ability to maneuver/find food
e.g. echolocation (dolphins)
Water pollution kills plants and animals
What are Man's natural behaviours?
Using cars
Increases unwanted gas in atmosphere
Trap more heat on Earth
Global warming
Using air-conditioners everyday for long hours
Throwing litter in natural habitats
Eg. Sea
Causes sea animals to eat rubbish
Sea animals die
Cutting down trees
Ruining animal's habitat
Animals have nowhere to hide
Animals die
Radiation spills
Nuclear accidents
Industrial waste spills
Dumping chemicals into water bodies
Cause animals to suffocate
Construction work
What can be done by the government/companies to help safeguard our natural resources?
Encourage use of public transport
Protect Biodiversity
Implement species conservation and recovery programmes
Compile case studies on and assess best practices that have been implemented
Promote volunteerism through biodiversity interest groups
Incorporate elements of biodiversity conservation into the curricula of all levels of education
Reduce deforestation
Encourage saving of electricity/water/food/materials
What part can I play?
Use more public transport
Combine errands for fewer trips
Reuse water used to wash vegetables to flush toilet
Run dishwashers and clothes washers only when full
Remember to turn off lights, computers, and electric appliances when not in use
Use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances
recycle more
reuse paper
Have shorter showers